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Nothing Stays Lost Forever

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  • #31
    forgot to mention please be looking at the map when you enter lat and long otherwise will not work when looking at your desktop look at bottom left corner and click on map


    • #32
      To L?Tut Re: Stupid me

      [QUOTE=Unregistered]I'm in the same situation as the person you answered. . . I cant go anywhere or read any email.
      I must be daft cause I cant understand what you mean by "zoom in on the picture" and "drag to the bottom"...QUOTE]

      I understood at last. "Clever" me


      • #33
        when I enter the last code to go the last place, I get "invalid". help


        • #34

          when i go to the 747 crash site, i got to go to the sub, but i cant find anything

          whats wrong?

          lol, i went to the abandoned ship

          but i have the same problem as the last poster
          Last edited by I'M NAKED!!!; 11-19-2005, 13:15:08. Reason: :P wrong coordinates
          AdventureQuest RPGDragonFable Lol If I can't use this part of the signature please tell me

          I love AQ and FF 8

          DF IS GOING TO BE TOP!!!


          • #35
            Originally posted by Unregistered
            lat 25.7715
            long -80.1869 shipping dock which takes you to hospital, airport and downtown

            lat 26.2551
            long -75.2141 open water nothing there

            lat 25.5698
            long -80.3303 helicopter gives you more directions

            lat 22.2551
            long -69.1362 submarine the password is sheady

            lat 23.8416
            long -67.5493 abandoned ship

            lat 28.4527
            long -66.5271 crashsite 747

            lat 28.4527
            long -68.5271 the final place to go
            the last one always comes up invalid what do i do????
            ROCK ON


            • #36

              The last one always comes up invalid for me, too, even though I went back to the map to try it, after not working at sub screen. Can anyone help?

              (To zoom in, then drag, right click with mouse and select zoom in, then drag screen up to see the bottom.)


              • #37
                last coordinate

                yea, my friend had the same issue, but i just went on the game, and it worked totally fine.. the trick is that the coordinate system goes backwards... from east to west... good luck
                but i wonder what they mean by other magazines? huh?


                • #38

                  a made it..
                  but i want to know..
                  it say to continue our game becoz we never know we might found a new secret..
                  does anyone got the coordinates for the another place that we didn't go yet...
                  sory if i don't type it very well becoz i'm from malaysia...


                  • #39
                    the last one worked for me...i think you need to do it step by step or something..

                    i m from malaysia too,chinese..(i am must get 5as in upsr!!!)
                    When i look into the flames,i become flame to destroy you!


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Unregistered
                      anyone know the coordinates for the remaining 5 sites that you don't go to by the time you find flight 1205? maybe you just have to guess their coordinates?
                      I'm pretty sure that the only thing you can do is guess. So far I haven't had any luck.. it makes it hard when you have to figure it the precise number and can't just guess a round figure. Oh well. Best of luck to you, if I figure any out I'll post them on here.

                      "A private paradise of dreams

                      In an air that falls apart"

