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  • #16
    2 skeletons

    Somehow I have 2 skeletons... maybe I got it from the dark olace behind one of the doors?
    someone check that out please?


    • #17
      If u look carefully in the dark place u can see on the column with the lights that change the colors a dark figure. that figure reminds of the black statue in the middle of the road that moves.
      I tried to press on it after I've done the combination with colors but nothing happened.
      May be u will figure out what to do.
      And also if u move carefully in the same dark place u can see one broken grave with some round object next to it, and 2 more colums. on one of them are 2 lights: red and green and under a cross, on the 2nd is a figure which glows in yellow color and 9 stars.
      in the forest behind the other door u can find on the yellow trees 2 kinds of fruits, the same that r outside and behind the fruits u can see a small door in the tree itself. on the broken trees u can find patterns in pink and blue colors which resemble the stars.

      but what to do with it I have no idea.
      may be someone can figure out?


      • #18
        does anyone know how to work the bells


        • #19
          start with the bell on the left and turn it on. Then turn on the rest in order.

          the pattern should sound like


          There is an example of how it should sound at under the hints section.

          Don't get all excited most of his hints arn't very reveiling


          • #20
            this is the slowest boring point and click ever its worthless so yea to easy to play and its to slow to even play it over and over gets really boring guys


            • #21

              once you click on an island or someother place that you want to go. If you click again it will go twice as fast.

              Has anyone figured out what to dig with


              • #22

                I have all three towers down a skeleton, a gem, and lots of note book pages.



                • #23
                  I've got all three towers down and have picked up just about everything I can. I can't find anything to dig with or binoculars to see the blimp. The link says it's a DEMO. Is this as far as we can get? Those three rooms look as if there are puzzles to solve, but I can't do anything except spin in a circle. -- D


                  • #24
                    I have tried digging with the skeleton hand and the book cover and everything eles. Maybe I am diggin in the wrong place


                    • #25
                      Well, I finally gave in an looked at the hints and all it says is "find the right tool." that one room has scissors and a wrench, etc. so that's what me question the DEMO.


                      • #26

                        if you ring the bells in the right order the whirpool stops and you can get a mirror and a hammer


                        • #27
                          Do you mean the bells or the crystals.

                          Because when I played the bells it lowered a tower.

                          What is the correct order. Explain more about what you did!


                          • #28
                            thats it

                            I think thats it once you get all 3 towers down thats it cause if we were able to go on we would be able to look around in those 3 doors cause i looked up those hints on and it some suggest you pushing buttons in the metel world and stuff like that, now unless someone can figure something out other wise post it and let me know but i think thats it for the demo.


                            • #29
                              The Insane Game

                              Tried playing this game this morning got no where ... but got a headache ....Went back to play in the evening the dam Link wond boot up ... which it gave me a bigger headache!!! ...LoL


                              • #30
                                My comp says page not found because you have return spelled wrong.

