Rats! not done but it is 1 a.m. & I have to get up in the morning .. So hope I made good notes so it won't take me long to get back to where I am.
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Goliath the Soothsayer
Infinite Qurans!
I've only just started, but really enjoying the game. The creature in the mirror scared the bejabbers out of me...!
I have found a tiny bug, though. Just in case, I'll pop it in a spoiler box:
In the room where the Quran is on the side table, switch the light off, then back on. Then hover your mouse over the table and (although it's not visible), another Quran is there. You can add that to yout inventory. And repeat. And repeat...
yea by the end of the game [i got bored at this point] i had 5 Quarns...
i cant tell u the code in the clock laleah7 because it changes every time the game is played. i don't think u need the computer though it just explains what the whole game is about.
AlishaLast edited by EscapeGirl; 01-06-2008, 12:34:58. Reason: Merged Posts: Please do not multiple post in a row. Use the EDIT button.
Originally posted by tweetytaz95901 View PostHow Do You Get Out Of The Attic I Have
Hook And Rope
Hook and Rope on the little space above the door. You'll drop the hook on the other side of the door and you swing it back and forth untill you hear a noise. (there will be two different noises; a light one when you just tap the door handle and a loud one when you hook it. After you hook the door, click the doorknob to get out.)
You'll never need that item again nor will you need to renter the attic.
Also, there is a walkthrough in this thread, maybe around page 5 or 6? I'm not sure.
Edit: Here's the link for the walkthrough:
Hilfe mich
I got rope & hook, a crucifix, the prayer card, jewish sofar, a buddha statue, two notes (the lust and the murder), shinto ema statue, and a shiva statue.
I've already read the brothers diary on the computer but I can't find the key to the wardrobe where his brother locked in the board.
bitte help?
nvm I got it haha, I forgot to check the wardrobe after reading the e-mail and also I forgot to turn the lamp on in the master bedroom (;
It was pretty easy but the ending sucked x) of course I digged it down (;
But the jesus guy scared the hell out of me ^^
easy peasy as you see
- Pick up Catholic prayer card from the bulging pocket of the jacket
- Pick up rope from under the chest of drawers
- Open the second lowest drawer to find a Christian crucifix
- Look at the top of the drawer (there should be a hook there)
- Use the rope from your inventory with the hook
- Go RIGHT (the place where you started)
- Use the ‘rope & hook’ on the small gap above the door
- Fiddle around until you hear a banging noise and then click
- Try again if it didn’t work and eventually you’ll get out of the attic. You don’t need to return to this room anymore
- Walk downstairs
- Turn on the lightswitch to your left
- Go into the room to your left
- The middle computer is the only one that works
- Turn it on and try using it. Huh? You need a password? Stop using the computer for now
- Look at the laser printer on the far right and pick up the piece of paper that says MURDER on it
- Go back into the hallway
- Go into the second hallway on your left
Hallway 2:
- You should now see a door to your front with salt underneath (master bedroom) and a door to your right (bathroom)
- Enter the bathroom
- Turn on the tap and look at the mirror
- Leave the room
Hallway 2:
- Go forward into the master bedroom
Master Bedroom:
- Pick up the statue of Shiva on the left
- There should be a light switch on the floor under the window. Turn it on. **** brix.
- Look at the right side of the bed and pick up the piece of paper that says LOVE on it
- Look at the clock radio on the right side of the bed. Remember the clue you found in the bathroom? Write these numbers down.
- Leave the bedroom
Hallway 2:
- Leave this secondary hallway and go back to the main hallway
- Enter the room on the right near all of the photos
TV Room:
- Look around on the right for a lightswitch and turn it on. **** brix.
- Pick up the copy of the Holy Qur’an on the table on the right
- Leave the room
- Walk to the end of the hallway and down the stairs
Ground Floor:
- Turn the floor lamp up. **** brix.
- Enter the first room on your left
- Pick up the Jewish Shofar on the table
- Pick up the statue of Buddha next to the TV
- Leave the room
Ground Floor:
- Enter the second room on your left
Linen Room:
- Pick up the piece of paper on the table that says LUST on it
- Pick up Shinto prayer board on the wall
- Leave the room
Ground Floor:
- Go back upstairs
- Return to the office on your left
- Use the middle computer and access the diary using the password you found earlier (the lights that were not lit up from the clock radio made 4 numbers)
- Read diary
- Leave office
- Go back downstairs to the ground floor
Ground Floor:
- Enter the room with the linen closet (2nd on left)
Linen Room:
- Open closet
- Collect key hanging from the roof of the closet
- Use the safe. Recognise those symbols? the Loveheart, Square and Circle?
- Loveheart = Love, Square = Lust, Circle = Murder
- LOVE = 5683
- LUST = 5878
- MURDER = 687337
- Punch in all of these numbers in order
- You now have the soothsayer
- Return to the ground floor hallway
Ground Floor:
- Use the key from your inventory on the door straight ahead
- You have two options now:
1: Go outside and bury the soothsayer in the hole
2: Use the soothsayer with the divining glass on the table
Thanks for posting this game MsInterpret...
Last edited by Mistery; 02-08-2008, 04:07:28. Reason: Please don't abuse spoilers, use them to give hints only ;)Princess Of Da GH!Friends 4 eva!
Holding a candle of hope for Eternal Becky
Happy fox of everyones life!
The evil bunny is watching our every move
Could someone tell me when all of the scary spots are? Because I don't have very good nerves and I can't play any scary games after Exmortis 1 & 2.
Nevermind: I finished the game and I thought that it was really good. Jesus scared the sh** out of me though, lol.Last edited by deadrising7; 05-31-2008, 00:39:16.