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Escape To Obion: Episode 1: Fire and Ice

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Unregistered
    what;s the deal with the clock puzzle? Do you have to make sure the path goes through the brown ones or avoid them?
    yes make the path go throught, I didn't need the brown ones


    • #17
      help! stuck on this!


      • #18
        I just played this game again, for the fun of it, since it has been a while.

        I see many of you got stuck on the passcode required...

        I will tell you how to do it....but first, if you want to figure it out on your own by using the Alchemy is a helpful website...
        Welcome to the world's largest online encyclopedia of symbols, signs, ideograms, glyphs and flags - organized by culture, country, religion, and more.

        If you are still stuck, here is the solution:

        Last edited by OneBun; 02-15-2006, 05:02:34. Reason: Typos...ooops!
        Seeking Where My Alien & Mysterious Sis Has gone???
        Looney GHer!


        • #19
          Thanks One Bun! I was going nuts trying to figure out how you got that code. I thought the numbers 2, 4, & 6 were referring to the symbols below the numbers, LOL. DUHHH!


          • #20
            escape to obion

            what do i do with the books once i have my code.?
            -----------i got astrologer ; if that helps.


            • #21
              Originally posted by sedegemole
              what do i do with the books once i have my code.?
              -----------i got astrologer ; if that helps.
              You need to keep clicking on the books until you have another word above astrologer.
              What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal."- Albert Pike


              • #22
                it dont work (confused)

                Originally posted by OneBun
                I just played this game again, for the fun of it, since it has been a while.

                I see many of you got stuck on the passcode required...

                I will tell you how to do it....but first, if you want to figure it out on your own by using the Alchemy is a helpful website...
                Welcome to the world's largest online encyclopedia of symbols, signs, ideograms, glyphs and flags - organized by culture, country, religion, and more.

                If you are still stuck, here is the solution:

                I am on the top fireplace can see # but if i try and click on it all i get is a wall wit all the planets on and symbles the opest side


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Calipsa
                  You need to keep clicking on the books until you have another word above astrologer.
                  \I got that 2


                  • #24
                    Any help as to where I actually enter the passcode?


                    • #25
                      How on earth do you even get into the fence and i tried clicking on the fence then clicking on the door but i still cant get into the house can some one help plz??

                      Originally posted by wawa View Post
                      i did click on the fence then the door and i still cant get into the house plz help!!
                      Last edited by Mistery; 03-11-2008, 15:30:00. Reason: MAKING MORE THAN 1 POST IN A ROW IS AGAINST THE RULES, EDIT YOUR POST IF NECESSARY.:)

