Easy game.
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Originally posted by MisteryDon't click on the chain but point on the right side (arm) of the chain and drag it until it moves.
Ha ha, I?m amazed how many questions asked about this game.
THINK, people, THINK.
This game is MADE for you to start your braincells, not for u to, take the easiest way out by asking. sooner or later you find the right thing to klick yourself. patience, P-A-T-I-E-N-C-E.
Ignis Fatuus - Carpe Noctem |Sulum Vestri - Ego sum qui sum | ?lva, that?s my name.
Originally posted by rosiemay05managed to beat the s.o.b lol, great game
I'll add to my walkthrough also a walkthrough for rock, paper, scissors
But then you'll have to stick to the times I give you (like "after 45 milliseconds click on the scissor...)
1. Pick up the bone.
2. Go to the right, drag the bone onto the broken ladder.
3. Climb up.
4. Go upstairs (right door)
5. Go upstairs (left door)
6. Close shutters of the windows: take bottle, take sword
7. Click on "Check items" in your inventory, click on sword, take yellow gem out of it, close picture of sword
8. Go downstairs
9. Click on "Check items" in your inventory, click on bottle, take the cork out of it, close picture of bottle.
10. Use the bottle on center of the big wheel to clean it
11. Go downstairs
12. Go upstairs (left door) and take the torch in the middle
13. Go back where you started the game
14. Use torch on straw, take part of chain
15. Go to the big wheel again and replace the broken chain.
16. Go downstairs (right door)
17. Pull/drag right arm of the chain (it's not enough to click on it!)
18. Go upstairs (right door) and take the bucket with some water in it.
19. Go downstairs
20. Go upstairs (left door). Then go downstairs through door on the right (next to closed door).
21. Use sword to cut off the chain of the chandelier (hotspot is next to wall between 1st and 2nd chain piece, but rather hard to find - keep on trying)
22. Use water from the bucket to extinguish the fire. Take key.
23. Click on the bottom part of the red decoration hanging on the wall, take small wheel.
24. Go upstairs, use key on closed door, get on the roof to the highest point of the tower. Take stone (next to big stone in the middle of the screen).
25. Click on "Check items" in your inventory, click on stone (to get blade), close picture of blade.
26 Go to the bottom floor.
27. Take bone out of ladder. Go to the right.
28. Use blade on the wall where you see some hidden wheels. Put in small wheel from your inventory. Put in bone as a lever, pull the lever, open the door with the bars on it and climb down.
29. Put the cork into the pipe, take yellow gem.
30. Climb up again, take the bone (click on the bottom of it) and put it onto the broken ladder again.
31. Go to the roof (not to the highest point, just one floor lower) where you see an altar (looks like a stump in the middle of a circle).
32. Put in the gems (yellow on the left, red on the right side)
33. Click on the yellow sign on the textbox until the game starts. Play the game. If you win you'll get a key.
34. Go to the room with the blue treasure box (where the chandelier was) and open the box with the key.