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Kyle XY Continuum - Cluetracker 2.0 Game

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  • Kyle XY Continuum - Cluetracker 2.0 Game

    This is a point and click game. Unlock the mysteries of Kyle XY by completing different tasks. Good luck!

    Play Here
    (Attention: This game may require a fast internet connection, and a fast pc in order to work properly)

    Please use spoilers to give hints:
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  • #2
    Hi, is anythere in this forum??? - i'm lonely!!

    i passed all the tests - climbing ,Balance, Card catching, firewalking - wot else - even the data storing thing from the computer - i cannot access my inventory i dunno where it went - there is no way i can view my inventory !!!

    i have got the ring and everything -but i cant click on the urn - i know i have to now next step - but i just cannot - is this a bug or something?!!!


    • #3
      Hi is anyone playing the game now i could use some quidedess with it

      me again I think all come back and play when a few more people have played it
      Last edited by Mistery; 06-14-2008, 14:52:09. Reason: Edit your post instead of multiple posting


      • #4
        ok i started afresh and wuz able to play the game properly this time - no bugs or anything - i wis directed to a website - and now what?!!!!!!!!!!!

        Edit - i went to Home tab of the website and i can see some kind of msg which keeps flashing - can see the pics properly but cannot make anything of it - anybody???

        where r u stuck? - any luck?
        Last edited by Mistery; 06-14-2008, 14:52:18. Reason: Edit your post instead of multiple posting


        • #5
          i did all the challenges in the order it said to on the pda, then i went back to the fire walk one and to the furnace and it took me to the a webpage that had a backwards url on it. the url is an article about 781229. i think maybe the next thing is to sign into the latnok members area, because tom foss mentioned in the pda about joining latnok


          • #6
            Well this is a bunch of crap. It saved my game supposedly. But when I came back to it later I was back at square one again. I'm not playing this.

            Loki, God of destruction


            • #7
              Originally posted by Rhiannann View Post
              Well this is a bunch of crap. It saved my game supposedly. But when I came back to it later I was back at square one again. I'm not playing this.
              i had to replay the whole game too - but it just improved my alertness,balance and coordination skills

              Originally posted by zanizoo View Post
              i did all the challenges in the order it said to on the pda, then i went back to the fire walk one and to the furnace and it took me to the a webpage that had a backwards url on it. the url is an article about 781229. i think maybe the next thing is to sign into the latnok members area, because tom foss mentioned in the pda about joining latnok
              i din't follow any order to complete my challenges - is that a problem??
              anyway i did get to the website after her cry for help - i went to members area....

              how to join? it only says login - not register! wot username n password should i use this time? erika n sarah don't work - hint please!

              tom also says something bout the silver key - do u think the number on that has something to do with it???

              Last edited by Mistery; 06-16-2008, 13:11:31. Reason: Edit your post instead of multiple posting


              • #8
                Originally posted by hamzay View Post
                i had to replay the whole game too - but it just improved my alertness,balance and coordination skills
                Hehe, I got 243 seconds, let him fall out of boredom

                Loki, God of destruction


                • #9

                  i hate to say this - but im getting nowhere - this game troubled me for days and something about this game did not lemme give up - i replayed it from the beginning thinking i missed something 5 TIMES all over and over !
                  i think this game is either stupid or it is way over my head - no online walkthroughs or postings speak of beyond where i am - so me goes now.

                  if anyone has gone beyond the website page or made any sense out of that please do post it here - or u can mail it to me at

                  Goodbye all

