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Escape To Obion: Episode 5: The Chemisphere

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  • uhoh

    theres anoda marble game were u cant turen left?


    • Originally posted by jason
      theres anoda marble game were u cant turen left?
      Yah, I found it to be the most difficult one! ya do a lot of circles to get to the right place.
      Seeking Where My Alien & Mysterious Sis Has gone???
      Looney GHer!


      • Originally posted by jason
        theres anoda marble game were u cant turen left?
        Yes, you have to make spirals (some steps to the right, then down, then left, then up, then right...)

        [By the way, hi OneBun, nice to see .... read you!]


        • nope

          thats didnt work but u never told me wat to do with the third bar
          could u gimme the colors
          i did both marbles and i just tried that funny music and balls


          • Gotta go... but I hope we play the next one together. Anyway, I hope there will be another one. Good luck w/ the rest!
            Seeking Where My Alien & Mysterious Sis Has gone???
            Looney GHer!


            • Originally posted by jason
              thats didnt work but u never told me wat to do with the third bar
              could u gimme the colors
              i did both marbles and i just tried that funny music and balls
              Sorry, don't know the colors anymore. I didn't have to set the 3rd bar, only the first at 20 and then add 8 with the second bar...
              I have to look up if somebody had another solution. But did you push the voltage button on the "clock"-thing to set it at 6? Or didn't you push the button yet?

              (Okay, somebody else had apparently this one: set voltage to 6, set resistance to 25 with toleracne of +-10%,, to do this, hit top bar till u get 20, 2nd bar till u get 25, press button!)


              • woops sry

                i didnt see the button to change the volts so i nevr used it
                i got it with urs the first one. Um wen it werks does only one light light up on the left?


                • Originally posted by jason
                  i didnt see the button to change the volts so i nevr used it
                  i got it with urs the first one. Um wen it werks does only one light light up on the left?
                  If the bulb lights up and you here the sound, you solved it.


                  • okey thx

                    now for the bumber and balls i read mondays note wich said u can get all the magical musical stones the same color cept the fifth 1 wich needs to be cyan. the closest thing to cyan is that greenish one right?


                    • Originally posted by jason
                      now for the bumber and balls i read mondays note wich said u can get all the magical musical stones the same color cept the fifth 1 wich needs to be cyan. the closest thing to cyan is that greenish one right?
                      Yes. Remember that for the final puzzle, there it is very important. (At the musical puzzle watch also the order of the symbols that appears when the circles are hit by the marble.). For this musical puzzle also remember what you got from the other puzzle: 126


                      • okay

                        so wat ur sayin is the score has to be 126 and the bumpers have to be any colors except the fifth one, wich says it needs to be teal?


                        • Originally posted by jason
                          so wat ur sayin is the score has to be 126 and the bumpers have to be any colors except the fifth one, wich says it needs to be teal?
                          As I remember you can turn them all cyan (greenish) but have to have the score at 126 (you can diminish the score by pushing the button and letting the marble fall down).
                          The colors (and the missing color which must be green) are important for the final puzzle.
                          I got to go now, too, it's 1:41 a.m. But there are a lot of hints from yesterday when we played this game if you read back in this topic. Good luck, jason!


                          • thx for the help bye

                            i did all bumbers cyan cept fifth one that was purple and score was like 280? but i no i solvd it cuz im on to the last puzzle
                            Last edited by OneBun; 04-20-2007, 01:19:41. Reason: merged posts


                            • How Do You Do The Last On Lvl4

                              6 Little And Big Circles With Different Symbols


                              • I posted it earlier. Here it is again:
                                Originally posted by OneBun
                                I gave both lines now!>>>>>>
                                Not sure if you all are here but... I know the names of some...

                                Does this help?
                                I will describe the planet symbols if ya need me to... just let me know.

                                Here is a better description for the first line that...Mistery posted earlier:
                                Originally posted by Mistery
                                Okay, first line:

                                Is this better?
                                Last edited by OneBun; 04-20-2007, 01:19:21. Reason: merged posts
                                Seeking Where My Alien & Mysterious Sis Has gone???
                                Looney GHer!

