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Prince Of The Pension

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  • Prince Of The Pension

    Play game:

    Point and click and platform game mix. Search and find all the keys from the house to get away. The game is in Russian but it is playable.

    Point and click game.

    He who fights and runs away can run away another day.

  • #2
    First !!


    • #3
      Second!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!


      • #4
        Third !!!!!!!!


        • #5
          Fourth and stuck


          • #6
            ok, enough with the order rollcall, HAS ANYONE FIGURED THIS GAME OUT YET!!!
            many recieve wisdom, but only the wise profit by it


            • #7
              The music in this game cracks me up! Ye Haw!

              Originally posted by chaz6422
              ok, enough with the order rollcall, HAS ANYONE FIGURED THIS GAME OUT YET!!!
              What do ya need to know? I only just started but got a couple of things. Got nailed by the vaccum... caution!

              push the up arrow to jump over things that are in the way.
              Last edited by OneBun; 04-20-2007, 01:15:57. Reason: merged posts
              Seeking Where My Alien & Mysterious Sis Has gone???
              Looney GHer!


              • #8
                you have to collect certain items in the game to pass.there are 3 diffuclties. with the girl u only need to collect 2 items. the boy u need to collect 3 items and for the man u need to collect 5 items.


                • #9
                  hhhmm, good to know eternal, hehe and i picked the man >_<. NEwayz, i've collected a bunch of items throughout the game already, passports, envelopes, all three keys, stamped papers... the whole nine. but i still don't get it >_<.

                  BTW, be careful where there's water, it'll make u slip, and u can bump TVs and table too.
                  many recieve wisdom, but only the wise profit by it


                  • #10
                    girl level u need to get passport in the library and a green paper in the bathroom when u open the top cabinet

                    i dont know why u need to collect all of them
                    but u need certain items to leave the place.for the man u only need ot collect 5 items certain items are useless.

                    for the man level u need to get the passport,the greenish paper,and a white paper thats in the closet where u begin at.

                    for the old man u have to get all 3 items i mention earlier and stamp and envelope
                    Last edited by OneBun; 04-20-2007, 01:15:29. Reason: merged posts


                    • #11
                      where do i go when i've got the stuff?

                      ok, i got it, i was being silly!
                      Last edited by OneBun; 04-20-2007, 01:15:09. Reason: merged posts
                      I feel pretty!
                      Don't worry, hurry or 4gt 2 smell z flowers. Itchy nose... AACHOO!!!
                      Please let there be someone that still does this.

