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Ouverture Facile

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  • #61
    am i overthinking #12?

    nm i was being retarded again


    • #62
      no number 15 is the one with the dots.. i just dont understand!
      lets get these teen hearts beating
      F A S T E R , F A S T E R


      • #63
        can someone pm the answer to six please? ive been tryuign for hours but i cant do it tried re arranging letters but cant find a letter for the number 6 please help?

        anyone? pleassssssseeeeeeee?
        Last edited by Mistery; 01-02-2007, 01:00:17.


        • #64
          same here i'm also stuck on 6

          EDIT: nvm i got it, now im on 8
          Last edited by Rosie3k9; 01-02-2007, 21:36:24.


          • #65
            5 is a pain! can ne1 help? i have the user name but dont know the password
            Last edited by Mazzy; 01-02-2007, 21:33:34.


            • #66
              I got both of the files in 5 but I can't enter them in and everytime it still tells me that the file is corrupted.
              I'm special! d(^_^d)


              • #67
                level 3 help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
                i put in 3level. . . .
                put bunny in sig to help him take over the earth!!
                1 To Spread the Virus


                • #68
                  try the up one


                  • #69
                    Can you please pm me a password for level 5, I figured out the user name, but my sound card is dead so I can't move on. Please!!!!!!!!

                    an someone pm me the url od level 7, again my stupid, dead sound card. Thanks
                    Last edited by Adventure; 07-28-2007, 11:23:19. Reason: Merged posts.


                    • #70
                      som1 pm me lvl 4 code plzzzzzz
                      put bunny in sig to help him take over the earth!!
                      1 To Spread the Virus


                      • #71
                        stuck on lvl 16!
                        lets get these teen hearts beating
                        F A S T E R , F A S T E R


                        • #72
                          I really don't get lvl 8. I get the SMS concept, just... maybe the clue is confusing me? Any help?
                          Last edited by Carmel; 01-04-2007, 12:39:27.


                          • #73
                            im stuck on SMS one also

                            @ bige92:
                            put the pieces of the puzzle together, then put the name you see on the picture into a image search engine like Google images. find the picture and what its from, that should help. also read the clue and make sure your answer is in lowercase letters. hope that helps!

                            EDIT: OH YAY I GOT IT!! on to -#9- now#10
                            Edit2: now im stuck on #21

                            can anyone help me with #21 i know the answer but i dont know how to get it. sorry not 21, 22
                            Last edited by Rosie3k9; 01-07-2007, 00:30:41.


                            • #74
                              hi, stuck on level 6.....
                              i know its ascii and translated what was there... but dont know how to proceed...
                              any hints would be great

                              EDIT: never mind... got it lol god im an idiot sometimes lol
                              stuck on 17... yin and yang....????? ahhhh lol any hints??? thanks
                              Last edited by leeanneoz; 01-06-2007, 02:50:29.


                              • #75
                                Can anyone please help me with lvl 8?

