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OddPawn (now OddPawn V3)

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  • Here to Help


    Mithrandir - You're on the right path. I can't see any eggs related to the level but from my answers it looks like you need

    Foxtrot - From my answers to this one after you figure out what to do with Elle, you have to look closely at the page because
    . I remember being thoroughly annoyed with this level because for all the time I spent, I had the answer early on and just didn't see the obvious.

    Bart - This one was a series of riddles and brainteasers where at the end you should have all the letters you need to anagram the answer.


    Gandalf - It'll be hard to help with this since I actually printed the crossword and wrote on the paper and when I was done I threw it away. There were only a few that were really difficult. If you want to work on it together, I can go back and try again with you. I will say I don't remember any eggs on this. You take all the letters in the red boxes, anagram, and you get your answer.

    I only do one chapter at a time and I go in order. I'm in GramPawn Simpson now, so anything here and below, I'm happy to help. I usually check at least once a day. (I'm addicted so you can catch me on at all times of the night.)


    • Mithrandir:
      I found the answer but I can't see the relation with the quote. I only used the clue in the source and the title of the page... Onto Sauron now! Got all the eggs with 3 letters and reached the ring egg with a big word. Tried phoning a friend, tried several ciphers but no result yet.

      I did notice the change. I feel like I'm so close... still can't figure out the answer.

      Besides the Egg that gives me 6 letters and the one saying 'Tell us something we don't know!', I can't find other eggs with more letters...
      EDIT: OK, I found a few eggs. Tried anagraming what I have but still didn't find the right words. How many letters total?

      I'm like AshCeci. I kept only the answers of previous levels. I remember a few answers of Gandalf so maybe I can help too. Send me what you have and I'll see what I remember.

      And I'm officially in vacation for 1 week so I'll have plenty of time to play!!
      Last edited by Sparkino1; 03-20-2016, 02:43:49.


      • Chewbacca

        Can anyone help me on Oddpawn Strikes Back - Chewbacca. I cant figure out what the longest - scratch that - FASTEST thing is!
        Last edited by AshCeci; 03-20-2016, 03:16:59.


        • Any clue for the longest?


          • Originally posted by Sparkino1 View Post
            Any clue for the longest?
            You're looking for something "man-made" and


            • Thanks!!
              Finished Chewbacca.
              Onto Count Dooku.

              That one was really easy.
              Onto Darth Maul.

              This one was also pretty easy.
              Onto Darth Vader.

              Wohou... I'm on a roll...
              Onto Dormé.

              Now onto Han Solo.

              And now Jabba the Hutt.

              Jar Jar Binks now!
              Last edited by Sparkino1; 03-21-2016, 00:43:02.


              • [QUOTE=Sparkino1;1182994]Thanks!!
                Finished Chewbacca.[QUOTE]

                Wait! I need help with Chewbacca! I never figured out the fastest thing!


                • I'll PM you!

                  Just got to checkpoint: Lando

                  OK, I managed to get to Luke Skywalker. Got 2 eggs.
                  I gotta go to bed but will be back tomorrow...

                  AshCeci, Let me know if you need any help.
                  Last edited by Sparkino1; 03-21-2016, 04:21:16.


                  • I do with Dormé. I don't know where to start. I tried the makers and that did nothing.

                    EDIT: Is it one of those things where I need all the names and the names spell out a message?

                    EDIT 2: !!!

                    Onto the next one!
                    Last edited by AshCeci; 03-21-2016, 04:33:32.


                    • Obi-Wan Kenobi

                      I'm about to quit on Obi-Wan Kenobi.

                      I definitely know the guy but after 150 unsuccessful tries of writting his name differently, I'm gonna hope for help...
                      Last edited by Sparkino1; 03-22-2016, 00:45:57.


                      • Hey Sparkino!

                        You still on Obi-Wan? I just got to Jabba. I should be on for a bit (unless I decide to play a game).


                        • Yes, I'm still on the same level but I wrote the wrong title.
                          I'm on Qui-Gon Jinn and I stopped after 250 tries. I know the guy but can't find the right spelling...

                          Can you give me a hint on a previous Chapter on Foxtrot?
                          I think I know what changed but can't figure out how to put it in.
                          Last edited by Sparkino1; 03-23-2016, 00:57:35.


                          • I have to PM you for that...


                            • Hey AshCeci!!

                              So are you reaching me on Qui-Gon Jinn? I'm waiting for you there... I'm not trying anymore answers for that one!

                              Here is where I am on other chapters:
                              Some like it odd: Hotel = Got 2 eggs and stuck on the 'Event' one.
                              Return of the Pawn : Sauron = Got all the eggs until I reached the one with the ring. I tried eveything I could think of with all the letters and also the ones on the last pic but can't make anything out of them.
                              GramPawn Simpson: Bart = I believe I have all the eggs. Tried putting all the letters together but can't make anything out of them either.
                              Oddpawn Strikes Back: Qui-Gon Jinn = So frustrated on that one!!! I'm over 250 tries and I'm convinced I know that guy but can't find the right spelling.

                              And that's it.
                              I don't want to start another chapter until i finish at least one of the above.

                              Any help would be appreciated.


                              • Hey Spark,

                                I'm working my way towards you. I had to get off earlier than anticipated yesterday. In the mean time....

                                Some Like it Odd: Hotel - Send me the last egg you got so I can see what you're talking about.
                                Return of the Pawn: Sauron - If you have all the letters, anagramm themm but take note that one of themm is unnecessary (take it out of the group).
                                GramPawn Simpson: Bart - Did you get the three eggs related to the anagram variations?

