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Book of Mages

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  • Book of Mages

    Game where you must train and become the great mage. You start by choosing a clan. Each clan has its own special magic and different maximum stats for the general magic. You make your own destiny in the game good or bad. You must also trie to get to #1 in the book of mages.

    Game where you must train and become the great mage. You start by choosing a clan. Each clan has its own special magic and different maximum stats for the general magic. You make your own destiny in the game good or bad. You must also trie to get to #1 in the book of mages. which you can attempt in the game a little.

    The 6 clans


    Poison Water
    Sea Water
    Ice Water


    Chaos Fire
    Dark Fire
    Red Fire
    Last edited by Bender; 10-10-2006, 10:16:10.

  • #2
    A good way to win battles is to use mana burn to get their mana to zero.they rest and get 6 mana. then do your strongest attack. then repeat. you need to have full mana burn later in the game.


    • #3
      very very very VERY fun game


      • #4
        the only thing i don't like about it is that if you lose against anyone at the great mage election youu have to start again to finish it.


        • #5
          i hate that
          Darkness covers me
          Nothing can escape the black
          Completely somber
          Then light pierced the shadows
          God simply opened my eyes.
          -By Me

          (> <) WORLD DOMINATION!


          • #6
            the ending doesnt make sense if you are in the chaos fire clan and become the clan leader but lose one of the matches to be the great mage because it says that you lose and you arent the great mage. then it says that the chaos fire clan leader (you) becomes the great mage. the games creator musn't of thought that through very well.


            • #7
              I'll take your word on that. I didn't lose to anyone at the Great Mage election. I lost to one person at the Clan Leader one, though.

              I LOVE this game. I'm assuming it was translated, cuz the words were spelled wrong and some of the sentences didn't make sense. All in all, LOVED IT.
              I haven't lost my mind. It's taking a well deserved vacation to Oz. It's gonna ask the Wizard for some powers to destroy you.


              • #8
                which is the best clan in opinion? i tried the ice water and the poison water clans so far, but lost near the end.
                Darkness covers me
                Nothing can escape the black
                Completely somber
                Then light pierced the shadows
                God simply opened my eyes.
                -By Me

                (> <) WORLD DOMINATION!


                • #9
                  the best clan depends on what you want, good mana burn, good attack or defense. its really a matter of opinion.


                  • #10
                    i was in the seawater clan and completed the game, just max out skills, mana burn them to 0 mana and use your low attack, followed by mana burn, and repeat un til they are dead.- almost flawless technique.


                    • #11
                      i can't beat this!!!!!

                      i can't beat the 2nd tournament 1rst round and i can't max stats out in time to be strong enough!!!!
                      visit my website

                      cool game


                      • #12
                        I can't even beat the first tourney they get too good.


                        • #13
                          Each clan has it's strenghts and weaknesses. You might be able to win most of your matches through brute force (Mana Burn and Offense) but there will come matches where you will find yourself in a world of hurt.


                          You cannot use the same ability twice in a row. So if the opponent leads off with a High Attack, they cannot respond to your attack with another High Attack.

                          Combat Styles:

                          Brute Force: Offense Attacks (high/low) and Mana Burn. Take away their mana and counter their attacks with a High/Low attack. This only works if your attacks are equal to or better than their offensives or if you can drain their mana completely before you die. Once they are out of mana, you can continue to drain, then attack. Without mana, they cannot counter your attack and will have to use rest while taking the full brunt of your attack.

                          Tade Blows: Defend and then Attack. This is a good method to use if you can "Profit" from a trade in attacks. You need to absorb more damage then the enemy can deal.

                          You: 5 Point High Attack and 5 Point High Defense
                          Enemy: 6 Point High Attack and 3 Point High Defense

                          Since you cannot use the same attack twice, if you defend the high attack you will lose 10 HP. But when you use your High Attack, the enemy must use his High Defense and loses 20. Without aid (poison or healing) you will win straight up in this fight.

                          More info to come.


                          • #14
                            There is so much more than just statistics to winning battles.You have to figure out both your enemies strengths & weaknesses as well as your's.

                            By the way,this game I give a 8/10.


                            • #15
                              OH NOOOO!!! Not another game I'm addicted to!! lol. I really like this game & I can't get away from it until I beat it. Thanks so much for posting!!

                              Edit: Finally beat it!!! Yeah me!!! Beat it being in the Red Fire Clan. After leading the clans for 40 years I passed away peacefully. lol
                              Last edited by FCVikingJT; 10-21-2006, 17:22:58.
                              No Coffee?? No Workee!!

