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Pico Sim Date

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  • Pico Sim Date

    another newgrounds sim dating game but with pico!

    The first Pico Sim Date game where it all started. Less than the sequel, but still better than most sims dating games.

    put bunny in sig to help him take over the earth!!
    1 To Spread the Virus

  • #2
    first lol but fun game


    • #3

      i loved this game until i wasted a few hours on it and then it bugged (froze) on my date


      • #4
        i hate how i only got 75 days though i wasted all that time for nothing


        • #5
          if anyone knows some stuff about nene thatwould be nice to share

          I know the world's got problems,
          I've got problems of my own,

          Ain't the kind that can be solved,
          with an atom bomb

          ><((('><')))>< WORLD PEACE!!
          Put the kissing fish in your sig to stop the evil world domination bunny!


          • #6
            My Guide

            I start out with
            I think. I then did a lot of
            and then once i got a lot of that i then
            and then i
            and then i
            and then when i had 20 energy left i
            i kept doing this until i had enough money to do approx 3 days worth of
            and then
            then i kept doing that until i was
            and then i started doing
            then i went to
            and then got a lot of
            then i did A LOT of
            and then i won. P.S.


            • #7
              some info about nene!!
              her full name is



              brothers - sisters

              clothes are from the designer

              horror movie

              Blood type




              fav music




              work as


              love watching


              phone NOT


              • #8
                oh skills! i am second! Bow down to my awsomeness! lol


                • #9
                  omg, ! i'm rele sad, i got rele far in that game too!!!!!! ohhhhhhh

                  ahh well, plenty more fish in the see...

                  or shud tht be, games in the website?

                  i don't care, pico died! he was a wuss anyways, ahh well, does anyone else know any games like this??? reply too me, i want to know them!!!
                  If One Day The World Wrestels You To The Ground Just Remember That Bean Burito You Ate This Morning !


                  • #10
                    Her Phone # is 204-783-4529


                    • #11
                      OK, here is a challenge for all you game makers: make a game in which a girl (therefore me) will need to get the guy out on a date. Why are all these games only about askling a girl out? Why not a guy for once? I really don't fee comfortable asking a woman on a date (I'm not that kind of girl

                      Oh, and if there is such a game available and I managed to overlook it (which is very unlikely, I know them all please be so kind and tell me!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by barbi9
                        OK, here is a challenge for all you game makers: make a game in which a girl (therefore me) will need to get the guy out on a date. Why are all these games only about askling a girl out? Why not a guy for once? I really don't fee comfortable asking a woman on a date (I'm not that kind of girl

                        Oh, and if there is such a game available and I managed to overlook it (which is very unlikely, I know them all please be so kind and tell me!
                        That would be the shortest game ever.

                        "Wanna go out?"
                        "Huh huh huh huh yeah!"

                        There was this game where you have to seduce a guy. And that is literally the only one I can think of.


                        • #13
                          Hey, nin man, thanx. You know, I was expecting that someone would say something like that. Because "women are so hard to get" and stuff. But we all know that is not true. And I did play the Hookup game and it's great but... there are no more Noone cares about us women.


                          • #14
                            hehehe that was fun but kinda hard o well now for part 2
                            I'm far to blessed to be stressed by your mess!!!!


                            • #15
                              Ok... wasn't that hard.... one time to find out what and how... second to learn about dates.... third for boss... right now it's fourth time and I'm sure of myself ;PP
                              Tactic is pretty easy:

                              Using the above way I have int and cha maxxed out ~day 40... On the fird run, when I lost to the boss, I had the second date on day 56...

                              I'm new so HI everyone...

