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Pico Sim Date 2 (v.1.5)

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  • Pico Sim Date 2 (v.1.5)

    Hey Everyone.. I was surprised that no one posted this game yet but anyways here it is.. Pico Sim Date 2!

    Pico's gotten himself into another wacky love dilemma...

    you have to click play to start it
    I Told Y'all i was gonna bump like this... Y'all didnt think that i could bump like this

  • #2
    Somehow I kept losing money so I decided to quit and maybe try again tomorrow night all.
    I'm far to blessed to be stressed by your mess!!!!


    • #3
      Nice completed it on every mode xcept hardest ( 75 days ) but mah record osnt on it coz of some wierd stuff on my comp


      • #4
        i find pico 2 easy than pico 1 nice game tho
        I Told Y'all i was gonna bump like this... Y'all didnt think that i could bump like this


        • #5
          ok this game is weird (not like that´s new lol
          I know that you want to click it


          • #6
            this seems like a good game so far, but i'm REAL sick of all this intro reading

            Am I the only one out there that uses my iPhone to take pictures of clues so that I don't have to write them down or remember them?


            • #7
              the game's alright.....


              • #8
                my charm is in the negatives!! how do i get that up again?

                Am I the only one out there that uses my iPhone to take pictures of clues so that I don't have to write them down or remember them?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by SkiColorado1616
                  my charm is in the negatives!! how do i get that up again?
                  You can increase your charm by drinking in the bar, and sometimes your charm goes up when you choose right options when working.

                  Did the game, funny and somehow quite long, but too easy, you can't fail if you do it in non-limited time.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Altaria
                    You can increase your charm by drinking in the bar, and sometimes your charm goes up when you choose right options when working.

                    Did the game, funny and somehow quite long, but too easy, you can't fail if you do it in non-limited time.
                    except you dont get a prize or whatever

                    oh does anyone know where or when cyclopse is at the NG forest?
                    Last edited by Adventure; 05-31-2007, 00:48:15. Reason: Merged post. Please use your edit button, thanks.

                    I know the world's got problems,
                    I've got problems of my own,

                    Ain't the kind that can be solved,
                    with an atom bomb

                    ><((('><')))>< WORLD PEACE!!
                    Put the kissing fish in your sig to stop the evil world domination bunny!


                    • #11
                      Took me forever, here are some notes I have so you don't have to talk to them ten thousand times


                      • #12
                        can anybody help me with the password for the security panel??? (in that little house from NG woods...)...and...why at the clothing shop the "special" department is still locked...(((
                        Last edited by *::..Ralu..::*; 05-26-2007, 22:19:28.
                        Judge me all you want...but keep the verdict to yourself


                        • #13
                          i cant remember the code but you will get it from the last girl you can manage to get
                          I Told Y'all i was gonna bump like this... Y'all didnt think that i could bump like this


                          • #14
                            but...sabrina and kate told me about the NG forest...erika told me about the house...and the girl from the bar gave me a code :-<
                            Last edited by *::..Ralu..::*; 05-27-2007, 17:29:39.
                            Judge me all you want...but keep the verdict to yourself


                            • #15
                              that's weird.. each girl should tell u about one thing were cyclops is hiding

                              u got a key? i dont remeber that... one girl should say were the forest is, the other girl the hous and the last girl the code.. (it doesn't matter what order of girls u get)
                              Last edited by Mistery; 05-28-2007, 06:18:00. Reason: Merged posts. Please use the EDIT button instead of multiple posting.
                              I Told Y'all i was gonna bump like this... Y'all didnt think that i could bump like this

