Control a group of kids and try to dominate or manipulate the neighborhood socially, economically, or by force. The game features a vintage dos feel and is similar to a board game. It is multiplayer and browser based with a real time updating map (be sure to disable ad/javascript blockers while playing, there are no ads on the site). A manual is available on the home page.
Everyone who signs up now gets a free month, and for each unknown bug you find we will give you 1 free month subscription.
Control a group of kids and try to dominate or manipulate the neighborhood socially, economically, or by force. The game features a vintage dos feel and is similar to a board game. It is multiplayer and browser based with a real time updating map (be sure to disable ad/javascript blockers while playing, there are no ads on the site). A manual is available on the home page.
Everyone who signs up now gets a free month, and for each unknown bug you find we will give you 1 free month subscription.