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Strategy Defense

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  • Strategy Defense

    An awesome RPG and strategy game!

    He who fights and runs away can run away another day.

  • #2
    YAY FIRST TO POST!Um..thats it I have to play now =D


    • #3
      How do I beat the first mission where you're a knight.
      Last edited by bubbie92; 11-08-2007, 02:56:26. Reason: spelling error
      visit my website

      cool game


      • #4
        You can kill a rifle guy with a single sword attack. So, change into a knight, make sure you have a health item and approach them one at a time. Make sure you kill one enemy per turn. Worked for me.


        • #5
          I have problem dealing with the 2nd last stage, where we have to face 2 ships, 2 submarines and a helicopter. Anybody has solution?


          • #6
            yeh i got to the lvl rite after it...but i got to play it again to rememnber

            i cant remember what lvl u get the tank. im replaying to help 5e70 but i cant remember how to beat the lvl with the tower that does 400 damge to u
            The great Funiax is back! (Hopefully) Post your progress on Stupidscape if you think you're the ultimate riddle solver! MoneySeize is an addicting game, dunno if it's on here.


            • #7
              I cannot get past the stage with the two subs and the two gun boats. I know I have to utilize bombs, but I never get the chance to use more than one. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

              Power of the post. Got that one completed. Now I am stuck on the next one.
              Last edited by tonguelasher; 11-14-2007, 15:30:49.


              • #8
                strange a mod hasnt deleted my double ppost...anywaysim stuck on the 1 with the tower that kill in 1 hit....i had to restart cause my data got deleted
                The great Funiax is back! (Hopefully) Post your progress on Stupidscape if you think you're the ultimate riddle solver! MoneySeize is an addicting game, dunno if it's on here.


                • #9
                  How do I pass the first tank mission(The one with two bombers, a tank, two electric towers and two missile towers)?
                  Last edited by thehelmetguy1; 05-16-2015, 10:35:11.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by thehelmetguy1 View Post
                    How do I pass the first level you are a tank(The one with two bombers, a tank, two electric towers and two missile towers)?
                    Are you sure you posted in the right thread? The first Level is with archers.

                    A student who changes the course of history is probably taking an exam.

                    As long as the answer is right, who cares if the question is wrong?


                    • #11
                      How do I pass the level with a helicopter, two subs and two destroyers?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Kzin View Post
                        Are you sure you posted in the right thread? The first Level is with archers.

                        He means the first level when you have a tank. It is the 5th Tower level, and I am terribly stuck there too

                        Strange as Angels, Dancing in the Deepest Oceans


                        • #13
                          Ah okay...hopping in

                          A student who changes the course of history is probably taking an exam.

                          As long as the answer is right, who cares if the question is wrong?


                          • #14
                            I made it, but I cannot exactly tell each move. However, I did not switch from the tank. I used water, stayed in range of the missile towers, and I killed the bomber!

                            Strange as Angels, Dancing in the Deepest Oceans


                            • #15
                              j've the same problem, isn't nothing my be help, please

