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How to get lots of ba and bd in Miss Bimbo

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  • How to get lots of ba and bd in Miss Bimbo

    If a bimbo does not watch an accepted challenge, the challenging bimbo views it, and the challenged bimbo does not log off immediately, the challenged bimbo's account is not affected by the outcome of the challenge.

    I have been accused of cheating and as a result have had hundreds of thousands of ba and 1.4 million bd removed from my account. I maintain that I did not cheat, that the actions I took in obtaining my ba and bd are completely fair, and that I should have my ba and bd restored to their previous amounts plus what I have since earned in playing the game.

    This is the conversation I have since had with Izzyfairy:

    --------23/01/2009 16:30
    I still haven't heard back from you so I'm resubmitting my previous explanation.

    "Actually, it turns out that if a bimbo does not watch an accepted challenge, the challenging bimbo views it, and the challenged bimbo does not log off immediately, the challenged bimbo's account is not affected by the outcome of the challenge. Thus, if I keep challenging a bimbo with 1000 bd challenges, and that bimbo neither views that challenge nor logs off immediately, the challenge will soon be removed from their challenge room and their ba and bd will remain the same. It is thereby quite understandable how I could have won over a million bd from a single bimbo. (You can see from my profile that I have won 5934 challenges, which is quite a substantial number.)

    "I did not hack your website. I did not take advantage of anything that is not equally available to every other user.

    "I love this game and I am very appreciative of all the work that goes in to producing it. I spent a lot of time playing challenges (hours upon hours of my Christmas break, in fact) and I am disheartened to hear that you view the very structure of your own website as a form of cheating.

    "I hope you will reconsider the removal of my ba and bd. I was under the impression that challenges were a both fair and valid form of increasing ba and bd."

    I'm anxious to hear your verdict.


    --------22/01/2009 02:00
    I have removed your ba and bd to reasonable levels. If you can provide valid evidence of why your bd and ba is so high then I will reapply it.This is your first warning for cheating, I am very unhappy at your stats and don't think they could have been achieved in a fair way.

    --------12/01/2009 20:07
    I found a bimbo who accepts all challenges.

    --------09/01/2009 12:48

    We have been watching your account. Your BA is going up too much and your bd is also very high.

    If you tell me how you are getting these things I will be fair with your, if I don't get a reply then I will reset your ba and bd.



    Before having my ba and bd removed, I ranked number 11 in the top gamers. Thus, I think it is fair to have my ba restored to 997,000 and my bd to 1,400,000. Izzyfairy said she would reapply my ba and bd upon the provision of valid evidence, which I have given. I hope you will agree and honor my request.

    Thank you,


    Hello BettyLouToo,

    Firstly thanks for sending your message here..I am so busy I can't check my inbox as well as support.

    I think you are wrong about the money not coming out of a bimbos account if they don't watch a lost challenge. I get 100's of bimbos who go into the negative from challenges thinking even if they haven't watched it. So I think that it is cheating to challenge the same bimbo 1000times. I have been playing this game for similar days to you and investigated how much ba and bd it is possible to get per day and your bd and ba suggested that you have taken advantage of challenges or other game elements as your ba was going up by 10's of 1000's per day which is impossible. You only get a tiny percent of ba out of challenges, even doing the therapist, makeup, games, hair...maximum times per day with an added percent for challenges, dancing..etc.I think that you were getting a huge amount more than even the top players who play this game all day everyday.

    Your ba and bd was taken down to a reasonable amount. I will discuss this email with Koopa and Anang if you think I am being unfair and see what they say.


    Thank you for responding.

    I've accepted challenges in a similar fashion as I've described and I know that the ba and bd do, in fact, go unaccounted for. As for the other bimbos, there are additional requirements that need to be met other than simply not viewing the challenge, and that is probably why they end up with negative bd even though they do not watch a losing challenge.

    I would appreciate it if you would discuss this issue with your coworkers and investigate the set of circumstances I have described in further detail rather than going with your gut response.

    It wasn't too long ago that smoochies, who now ranks no. 2 in ba, made her way up the top 20 in a fairly short amount of time. I remember watching her last year go from the bottom of the list to the top within a matter of weeks, maybe even a matter of days. I would not be surprised if her ba was accumulated as a result of the same set of circumstances.

    Thanks again,


    Hello BettyLouToo,

    I have spoken to Koopa and through a combination of seeing how quickly your ba/bd was rising, finding multiple accounts in your IP range and taking into account your game day we have decided to leave your ba as it is.

    Have a good game !
    izzyfairy, administrator on Miss Bimbo

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    this thread does not seem to be relevant to this forum, so it is binned
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    Shahar C's Easy Peasy Riddle
    Who's Got Game
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    and my latest cooperation with Tamk - Beauty and the Geek

    They will make you want to

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