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  • I despise spiders....EEEWWW!! They are so creepy. (and fast...) Now, I'm gonna have to see who they are, too. What a name, though, huh!?

    EDIT: Just looked at it. It's Yahoo! Does that mean someone searched something through Yahoo! and they're viewing a result in GH???


    • hehe, yeah I know, there's a couple of MSNbot spiders too, but they don't sound as scary
      Nah, it's just a tool or something that search engines send out so that they can pick out key words for their results or something. So if there were no spiders here, then no-one would hit the site or thread as a search i guess they are kind of nice spiders!! lol

      The unspecifically shaped member of the Looney Bin


      • So those are Yahoo and MSN search engine results??


        • not results...hang on heres what I found that explained it

          Yahoo! Slurp is Yahoo!'s web-indexing robot. The Yahoo! Slurp crawler collects documents from the Web to build a searchable index for search services using the Yahoo! search engine. These documents are discovered and crawled because other web pages contain links directing to these documents.
          As part of the crawling effort, the Yahoo! Slurp crawler will take robots.txt standards into account to ensure we do not crawl and index content from those pages whose content you do not want included in Yahoo! Search Technology. If a page is disallowed to be crawled by robots.txt standards, Yahoo! will not read or use the contents of that page. The URL of a protected page may be included in Yahoo! Search Technology as a "thin" document with no text content. Links and reference text from other public web pages provide identifiable information about a URL and may be indexed as part of web search coverage.

          well I kinda understood it

          The unspecifically shaped member of the Looney Bin


          • Ya, it makes sense enough. Not quite as scary as they sound - you're right. You'd think they could come up with some cuter name, like the cuddly searching kitten , not the slurp spider. Eww.


            • exactly.
              Anyway I'm gonna try get some sleep, perhaps it was the not knowing what a slurp spider was that kept me awake
              Night Escape

              The unspecifically shaped member of the Looney Bin


              • Night Dazed....sweet dreams!


                • Anyone out there on GH Planet??? Or am I all alone out here...?


                  • Hi Escape! I am here! But wait a second, I need to pour myself a cup of coffee first.

                    Oh no Escape! I just missed you! But well I got my coffee now!
                    Faily of Kzin



                    • Guess who's up early?
                      Intelligent Supporter, Unimportant Sir ThemePark, Advanced Intelligence Robot & Son

                      We take care of all your robot needs.
                      - If your harddrive crashes?

                      Call Backup.
                      Or see Upstairs.

                      - If you need to get something copied?

                      Go see Neko, the copycat.


                      • Adventure!!! YAY!!! You still there!?!?

                        Sir Theme??? My knight??? Hee, hee...j/k.


                        • @Theme
                          Uh I don't know. Me?
                          Faily of Kzin



                          • Yay! Adventure's here!!! You sleep well????


                            • @Escape
                              It's okay. I slept well, only too little. But only this day and then WEEKEND!
                              Faily of Kzin



                              • @ Adventure...I know! YAY!! The weekends are my favorite! You have any fun plans??

