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  • @ Sir Theme....Well, then, it's a good thing you don't have to stay in a Hostel in Aahrus! Have you gone through all your disposable cameras you bought!? Bet you have!! Oh, and did you tell your friends how you ROFL on the train station floor??


    • Won?! Whatta da ya mean won? Tell me!

      STILL struddling


      PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


      • You won something?? We wanna know!!! What happened!?!!?


        • @Escape, You forgot what we talked the other day?? Well wait and see what I'm talking about..

          @Theme, won something in a competition?? Tell us about that?


          • @ Lili...OOH!! I remember!!! YAY!!! I'll await the PM!!!


            • I say that I should be meeting a certain Swedish woman and no response from Lilli, but I say that I won something and she reacts

              I won in a competition, you should be familar with, if anybody lili Sudoku But since it was at an anime thingy, the gifts were anime stuff, that I think Freakshow would love

              Escape, no there hasn't really been anything interesting to photograph yet, the weekend was pretty boring. All I did was take pictures of someone playing DDR...I'm such a geek But they got an amazingly high combo score, so I had to do that And I haven't told them about the ROFL either, they think I'm a normal person
              Intelligent Supporter, Unimportant Sir ThemePark, Advanced Intelligence Robot & Son

              We take care of all your robot needs.
              - If your harddrive crashes?

              Call Backup.
              Or see Upstairs.

              - If you need to get something copied?

              Go see Neko, the copycat.


              • You don't get a response from me about a meeting because I EXPECT it.
                Sudoku! Gee, daz sumthin'. But you are a robot, doesn't that give you an unfair advantage?

                STILL struddling


                PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


                • @ Sir Theme...CONRATS!! I know what sudoku is....It's VERY popular here in the states. Even my 81 year old great aunt does it!! (Though, I am ashamed to say, I am more a crossword puzzle girl myself! ) What is DDR? (See, I can't even tease you about it, because I have no clue what it is! ) I could ask my computer science brother, he'd know!! AND, they think you're a NORMAL 'person.' about "pretending." You never mentioned you're a looney robot with tendencies to being a Slurp Spider!! OMG!


                  • Ah damnit, expectations are not a good thing And yes, I have a clear advantage, I solved it in 2 seconds

                    Escape, Sudoku seems to be very popular all over the world, so everybody probably knows it. I just said it to lili because as far as I know it's originally from Japan 81 year old aunt? Not surprised, it has many crossword fans solving them too. And don't be ashamed of saying that, I'm into crossword puzzles myself, I take after my mother

                    DDR, Dance Dance Revolution. Nope, never mentioned that But they all know how crazy I am, I'm every bit as strange with them as I am here
                    Intelligent Supporter, Unimportant Sir ThemePark, Advanced Intelligence Robot & Son

                    We take care of all your robot needs.
                    - If your harddrive crashes?

                    Call Backup.
                    Or see Upstairs.

                    - If you need to get something copied?

                    Go see Neko, the copycat.


                    • @Theme, WOW CONGRATS!! I know you like sudoku but never imagined you would be in its competition!! I do that sometimes but really easy ones.

                      And ROFL!! you'd better pretend to be normal when you meet people excluding us!!

                      @lilli, Yes I think it's unfair too


                      • @ Sir Theme...So, DDR is that game you see in arcade where you have four panels on the ground that you have to dance on according to where the monitor says you have to step? I think that I have seen that, but I have never tried it. (If that's what you mean.)

                        I love crossword puzzles, but have never cared much for I haven't even tried Sudoku, yet!

                        @ Lilli...I ALSO agree that him being a robot DEFINITELY gives him an unfair advantage! I mean, come on, the guy can make a copy of the Bill of Rights (when it doesn't jam) in seconds!!!


                        • Thanks lili It actually took me 20 mins to solve and it was one of the harder ones, still I was sure many people had already turned it in and that I had been too slow Also because I'm usually not this fast when I solve them at home. Maybe I'm just good under pressure? And well, it was an anime "convention" so all that was interesting to me was the sudoku and karaoke competitions. Of course the karaoke competition turned out only to be with JRock and Anime songs, so no singing for me

                          Escape, yes that's the one. 2 people were competing on stage in a PC version, where they used the keyboard arrows instead. One of them got a 1100+ combo!

                          Escape, I'll send you a program to solve Sudoku's with automatically, then maybe you'll like them
                          Intelligent Supporter, Unimportant Sir ThemePark, Advanced Intelligence Robot & Son

                          We take care of all your robot needs.
                          - If your harddrive crashes?

                          Call Backup.
                          Or see Upstairs.

                          - If you need to get something copied?

                          Go see Neko, the copycat.


                          • Perhaps our robot should CREATE sudoku puzzles instead of solving them.

                            STILL struddling


                            PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


                            • and our Lightning Knight shall thrash him if he doesnt! *sharpens blade*


                              • Lilli, I'm wouldn't really be good at that, I don't even know how to And the forementioned program is one we were taught in computer science

                                Why did I write Escapes name twice in a row in my last post?
                                Intelligent Supporter, Unimportant Sir ThemePark, Advanced Intelligence Robot & Son

                                We take care of all your robot needs.
                                - If your harddrive crashes?

                                Call Backup.
                                Or see Upstairs.

                                - If you need to get something copied?

                                Go see Neko, the copycat.

