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  • Good night Escape.

    I better go too. I can use some sleep. See you all tomorrow! And have some good fun in the mean while in the day or night.

    Faily of Kzin



    • Yeah, perhaps! That would be neat Theme!

      Nite Adventure!

      NEwayz I gotta bounce too, so I'll talk to ya all later peeps! Have a great night/day/etc. depending where you live.
      Seeking Where My Alien & Mysterious Sis Has gone???
      Looney GHer!


      • Originally posted by ThemePark
        Perhaps you should enlighten us with some Swedish slang too, Lilli
        So that everybody will come ta Sweden because they know some swedish slang? The thought has merit. I will think about this as I too leave for da hut on Carrot Island

        Good night, dear Adventure and OneBun! Biiig

        Night has fallen on Carrot Island. The wind is gently shaking the leaves in the forrest. It is time for this islander to withdraw to her hut. Good night and hope ta see ya'll soon!

        STILL struddling


        PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


        • I've already been in Sweden, so I wouldn't

          It seems we've been left all alone in here Lilli

          Correction, I have been left here all alone
          Intelligent Supporter, Unimportant Sir ThemePark, Advanced Intelligence Robot & Son

          We take care of all your robot needs.
          - If your harddrive crashes?

          Call Backup.
          Or see Upstairs.

          - If you need to get something copied?

          Go see Neko, the copycat.


          • Good Morning Mistery!! Spill your coffee yet? I know you're busy with moderator duties, but thought I'd say hello!


            • Oh hi Escape
              I was doing sth for Photoshopping thread
              How are you?

              Ummm... Come back Escape...


              • Um....sorry...I'm here!! I was getting ready to try Lili's Online Therapy (falling asleep online..) Hmm..I'm gonna have to check out that thread...and see what you've been up to!!


                • Oh, glad you are back
                  Is it late?

                  Btw, look also at OneBun's pic


                  • 1:20 am here. 11:20 am there?


                    • 10:20 AM
                      So I guess you are tired Do you have free today (I mean after sleeping )


                      • I do!!! I'll wake up sometime around 1 pm! Then I can choose between visiting my brother (which I told him a week ago, that I'd get back to him by Saturday to see how I feel) or celebrating my friend's birthday at the club...Hmmm.....What to do...

                        Edit: Wanna try eating a dog? There's one outside my window that won't be quiet. I wouldn't mind, ya know!!


                        • No, I think I would have some problems if I ate a dog, you know... Doglover...

                          Oh, that's a hard decision
                          But birthdays are only once a year, and you could visit your brother another day (don't tell him an alien told you that )


                          • Yes, Doglover, who hates squished spiders might get upset with you! Think you could maybe beam the dog up to your spaceship, then down to doglover in Portugal? Just be careful not to wake her...

                            Yes, my friend went out tonight for her birthday, too, but I was at a play, and couldn't go. So, if she's not hungover, she's thinking of going out - today was her 35th birthday!

                            Oh, yes, and my brother rarely gets days off the same as me....sometimes I don't see him for several months...that's why I am struggling with the decision.


                            • Wow, hope you'll have a great time with her. My 35th birthday was the best one so far

                              We'll visit my mom today, and she will keep our kids for Saturday night and for Sunday. And my niece will be also there today, who needs my ideas for a story
                              She's always asking me for character names and storylines, but guess what: No matter what I suggest, she replies: "No!" or "Meh!" or "Okay, I write that down, but give me some other ideas." etc. I'm going insane every time she wants to draw a new manga
                              I feel so bad in creating story lines when I talk to her, lol And I feel a lack of creativity


                              • Oh, but are the most creative and inventive alien I know!! I should feel that you would have no problem helping your niece come up with characters for her story! Haven't you tried telling her to use a pink bunny? Everybunny loves pink bunnies! Or tell her about Darknight...a superhero!!

