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  • Originally posted by EscapeGirl
    Jussstt don''t teeellll abouutt zaa seeecreeet dooorr wee foundd....Freakshowss usssess it...
    Uhhm telll whoo??? Arrree wee gooing throuughh ittt?
    Faily of Kzin



    • don't telll anyonnnee....Freakshowssss danngerouss...he'dd gett *hiccup* mad *Adventure and Escape head down a winding tunnel with moss growing on the walls...water can be heard in the distance* Whereee arreee wweee??


      • Uhmm I dunnno?? Butt I thinnkk wee betterrr cannn followzz itt! *Escape and Adventure follow the tunnel and come in an unenlightened part. Carefully they walk further and it seems like the tunnel will never come to a end but then in the distance the see a light..
        Faily of Kzin



        • *as they cautiously, and drunkenly, approach the light, sounds can be heard, and they hear, "Meh..." Freakshow is sitting at a computer typing something and talking to himself. They can see he is drinking THEIR carrot rum. Escape looks at Adventure* "Thazzzt..thatzz...I can't believesss it!!" she whispers to Adventure...."*hiccup* What should weeezz do?"


          • Uhmmm I dunnoo?? Hoopeee thaat hee willl leavve byyy himmselff orr wee musttt get himm outt of theeree??? Butt hooww cann wee disstracct himm??

            Waiit!!! I havvee still thhat reddd glowwingg orrb offf Thee Gamersshhoood Centrrall Controlll rooommz, mayybee wee cannn doo somethiingzzz withzz thattt?? Is hasss nooo powerss anyymorree, soo heee cann'ttt useee ittt agiaanst uss.
            Faily of Kzin



            • Weee caannn maaakee himmm thinksss itt doess, thougghs...huh??? Hee doeessn'tt knoww itt doessn't haavee thee powerssss.... *hiccup* *At the sound of the hiccup, Freakshow looks around, " peace and quiet around here...." He doesn't see anything and continues typing....* Whatt shouldd wee doo??


              • Welll itt hassn't noo powerrs anyymoree onn thee moment, buut I needd itt I thhinkz, not surez forr what yet, onllyy somezz feelingg.. Welll whaat havvee wee: twoo hummanss, aa catt, a butterflly, thee redd glowwing orbz and only myy orrbss skills, becauuse youu looosee thoosee poowerss inn soome wayy wheen yoou hadd a llittle alcohhholl. Can youu thinkk off anyythinggz moree?
                Last edited by Adventure; 10-22-2006, 05:54:36.
                Faily of Kzin



                • I thinksss you sshoulddss orbss oveerr to himm....and appearrss behindds him. THenss you coulds...scare him ands....he wwoulds thinkss you gonnnass desstroy za orb.....theenss deemannd himm *hiccup* to sshoow you theee remmainning carrrot rum!! Blackkmail....Whaat shouldd I doo??


                  • Uhmm, escapezz?? I havvee the redd orrb and Freakz doesn'tt knoww the existting of itt. Maybbee onlyy Dazedd?? Wee mussttt geet Freakzz attententionz to thhe orb and thennn takkee veryyy quicklly thee carrot ruumm witth uss andd orbb ourrselvves awayy! Soo Herre iss the plann: as a buttrerlyyy I caaan'tt takee all thee carrot rumm byyy mesellf, sooo youuu Have tooo helpp me!! I willl channgesss myseelf innn a butterflyy annd takee the oorb witth me, itzzz nottt thatt heaavy.., andd willl in sillencee entter thee roomm, placcee thee orrb soome whherre inn Freaakzz noot direccct sighht andd hidee myselff nearby the rummz. Theen I thrrow a eurrro ceentt neearbyy thee orrb, shoo Freaakzz will lookk up and seess the oorb. Wheeen hee getzz up, takkess thee orb, yoou enter the ruummz, uhhh I meeanss roooms, annd runns to thee rummz andd take it all, I will go and sit and yooour shoullder andd wee transpportss ourselllves quickkly outt offf thee rooomz, lol.
                    Sooo arree yoou witth mee?
                    Faily of Kzin



                    • OOohhh....youz are one smarrttt butterflyss.... Letsss doo itt!!!! *Adventure, as a butterfly flutters across the room with the small orb, and out of Freakshow's sight. She tosses a Euro cent near the orb that she has placed behind Freakshow. He hears the tinny sound, and gets up...sees the orb, and goes over to it. Escape scurries in cat form in, changes to human form, grabs all the rum, and motions at Adventure to come back. Adventure flutters onto Escape's shoulder, and.....*


                      • *....orbs Escape, all the carrot rum and herself quickly out of Freakz room and appear all up save in Adventure rooms* Yeahhh Escappezz wee didd itt!!!

                        Sooo whaat dooo wee dooo noww?? Doo youuu thiink wee arre savve foor thee nigghtt herree? I oncee tolld Freakzz Thaat I wooullld killl hiimm orr someethingg iff heree eveer camme heer aggain, butt I ammm nott surree iff thhhatt scaaaredd himmm reallyy awwayy. Sooo whaat dooo youuu thinnk? I reall yy musst gett somee sleeppp, I amm sooo tiredzz..
                        Faily of Kzin



                        • Yay!! We havess ourr carrott rummsss bacckk.....and I'll maakeee morrees tonigghtss...then we'll havee pleenttyss!!!! No oneeee cann ssttopp uss fromz drinkingzz!! Cheers!!!!

                          I will keeeps wwatccshh of yourr caanss sleep noww....safeeely. I'll putt my clonees outssidee yourrs doors.

                          EDIT: I am thinking Adventure fell asleep...Lili-style....for some online therapy!! Goodnight my friend... I hope you sleep well, and I will talk to you tomorrow!!! (It must be SO late there!) Sweet dreams!

                          I'm leaving for awhile, too....Bye Murph! and anyone (other than those creepy slurp spiders) else who is around!!
                          Last edited by EscapeGirl; 10-22-2006, 05:33:38.


                          • Thankss Escaappe!!! Youuu goess tooo sleepz too?? As youuu see I havee twoo roomss, I brookee downn thee wall bewtteen thee roomzz becaausee I needeeed morree spacee wheen theer aree twooo off me. Soo Youuu cannn taakee thee bedd oveer theere, iff youuu likee andd helppp youurrsellf iff youu neeed orrr likee sooome thingg. I ooonlyy havve tooo gett thaatt orrb bacck. Itt nooo usee tooo Freakz, butt it'z immportant to mee. *She drops herself on bed, get und the blankets and fallls in sleep.


                            The Carrots Cats gathering themselves around Escape and sniffle her fur. "she's one of us!" says the red carrot cat. "Yes, I think you right" answer the black carrot cat. They look at Escape and ask in harmony: "So are you? "And are you going to sleep or play with us in the night or shall we help you to make that carrot rum?"
                            Faily of Kzin



                            • @ Carrot Cats....I will sleep some....and play the other partts off thee rooom sooo wee don't wakesss up addvennturess.....My clonnee iss outsidee theee roomm...*Falls onto spare bed, and sleeps...a deep alcoholic sleep*


                              • The end or not? Lol.

                                Btw the carrots cats are offering to help you with making carrot rum, but I think we have enough for the next three days, so I think you better can get some good sleep. But you already do I see.

                                Good night Escape. It's always fun to be drunk with you and do some crazy stuff. However some people don't agree with us with that.. I hope we will have a quit night. I will going to say hello to the morning, it's 6.43 a.m. here, and then go to bed for some good sleep. See you later.

                                Originally posted by Freakshow59
                                *finds OneBun's stash easily and destroys them all* Peh, too easy. . .

                                LOL! I just found out that our stash is still safe. Seems we have rescued OneBun's Carrot rum, lol.
                                Last edited by Adventure; 10-22-2006, 08:27:39.
                                Faily of Kzin


