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  • clickclick, little fantasy... You had a talent of imagination!!

    Well I'm not bad at dancing.... but... I will not show you now. I think I can't dance what you want me, it wouldn't fit your imagination!!


    • I think I'll be nice now, sorry lili
      Intelligent Supporter, Unimportant Sir ThemePark, Advanced Intelligence Robot & Son

      We take care of all your robot needs.
      - If your harddrive crashes?

      Call Backup.
      Or see Upstairs.

      - If you need to get something copied?

      Go see Neko, the copycat.


      • Originally posted by ThemePark
        I think I'll be nice now, sorry lili
        What do you mean? Did you do something bad to me??

        clickclick, ROFL!!


        • Whoeweeeee Theme i think i might be the wicked one

          Well Lil, maby it's a good thing that this is a forum or will you send in a video in the nearby future, after practicing alooooot.

          Ah just teasing you a little bit, hey it's sounds like you're having fun.

          I can do magic in my wooden shoes hahahaha.


          • I agree clickclick

            No no lili, I just meant I'll stop making fun of you now
            Intelligent Supporter, Unimportant Sir ThemePark, Advanced Intelligence Robot & Son

            We take care of all your robot needs.
            - If your harddrive crashes?

            Call Backup.
            Or see Upstairs.

            - If you need to get something copied?

            Go see Neko, the copycat.


            • Originally posted by clickclick
              I can do magic in my wooden shoes hahahaha.
              SHOW US!!

              Well I knew you two were making fun of me

              EDIT: Don't you have any hobbies except playing games? I know Theme likes programming.


              • Hobbies? mm yes but all in the fridge for now as we would call it.
                hobbies as playing the piano and singing (seperate from each other hihi), improvisiation theatre, ehm drawing and stuff like that.


                • clickclick, improvisitation theatre? What's that mean? Well I like singing too (I mean Karaoke though...) Sounds like you are artist.


                  • Well I'm going to bed now you lovely earthlings from around the globe.

                    So maby talk to you again tomorrow ehm or today

                    You're very right Theme that's what it is but it's also like a game with rules. And very hilarious.

                    And we did perform in front of an audience in a team or in competition.

                    Haha karaoke, no not that but did do that for fun while on vacation.
                    We did perform throughout the netherlands with a campy act. Singing.


                    • Karaoke!

                      Improvisation theatre is where you have to make up your character as you go along, you don't have a script as such, but have to go along as the play progresses and be spontaneous. Feel free to correct me, clickclick

                      OMG, come to think of it, that sounds exactly like something for me

                      Goodnight clickclick
                      Intelligent Supporter, Unimportant Sir ThemePark, Advanced Intelligence Robot & Son

                      We take care of all your robot needs.
                      - If your harddrive crashes?

                      Call Backup.
                      Or see Upstairs.

                      - If you need to get something copied?

                      Go see Neko, the copycat.


                      • clickclick, Sleep well!! I'm so glad to meet you here coz we don't have much chance to talk!!

                        *still trying to understand the definition*

                        So, it's like a drama play without a script. And she is an actress there playing and singing... Correct?


                        • lili, imagine an actor that goes upon stage for a play that doesn't have a script, just a title and a few basic guidelines for the story. Then the actors have to use what they have and their acting skills to carry the play out from their own imagination, i.e. improvisating.

                          Yes, although it doesn't have to be drama
                          Intelligent Supporter, Unimportant Sir ThemePark, Advanced Intelligence Robot & Son

                          We take care of all your robot needs.
                          - If your harddrive crashes?

                          Call Backup.
                          Or see Upstairs.

                          - If you need to get something copied?

                          Go see Neko, the copycat.


                          • I fixed the post above again I thought she was a actress for living but I asked her "hobbies".. Throughtout the Netherland?? *confused again*

                            What's yours? Theme?


                            • Yes I saw Well I don't really have any, the stuff I do on my computer are my hobbies
                              Intelligent Supporter, Unimportant Sir ThemePark, Advanced Intelligence Robot & Son

                              We take care of all your robot needs.
                              - If your harddrive crashes?

                              Call Backup.
                              Or see Upstairs.

                              - If you need to get something copied?

                              Go see Neko, the copycat.


                              • Oh boy hehe no Lil not singing and acting.

                                Impro theatre is mostly played with 4 actors.
                                In competition two groups play against each other.
                                When a scene is very good, funny and such the audience can throw roses (pff well plastic ones haha) when it's no good they may through wet spunges haha.
                                It's not easy to explain but the audience can for instance be asked for an emotion, a location something like that.
                                You need something to start with... then the scenes progress by themselves by being very aware of the other actors and their and your input in the scene.

                                For instance the games consist of one of the actors has to play a reporter but doesn't know where he is or what the event is and that can lead to very funny scenes.

                                Or you ask the audience for a fairytail but the rule is that we have to play it in 1 minute.

                                Scenes can also be played in slowmotion, two actors against each other in a match, the audience will give ideas ehm washing dishes and mostly it ends up in a slow motion fight.

                                Playing scenes while ryming or changing a letter.

                                The deaftolk, two actors interviewing the other and a third actor translating for the deaf ( not really of course )

                                I could go on and on. We performed everywhere in Holland

                                As far as the singing goes, that's seperate from the acting, although we did perform on partys, disco's etc...a hobby that got out of hand haha
                                And hobbies can lead to many things that you wouldn't expect.

                                Excuse me for my spelling ..i'm tired.

                                Now i'm really going to bed

