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  • Hi lili, I'm still doing a bit of moderation and trying to catch up here.
    Today. It is vigorous?


    I'm aloony

    *Starts to sing*

    I feel so alone
    Talking to my clone
    It is not much fun
    And it's almost gone
    Still nobunny, why?
    And I start to cry...
    Last edited by Mistery; 11-14-2006, 11:20:01.


    • ROFL, lili! So OneBun DOES have Chocolate Buns! I don't think you'd be able to sell buns with such colours around here, that only goes in crazy Japan But the fourth one look like a big version of a candy we have around here

      And OMG, OneBun's Bunny Buns, ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL! And thanks for the lili(es), lili

      Adventure and lili, I'm number 8 on that list you mentioned

      If you're still around Mistery, hello
      Intelligent Supporter, Unimportant Sir ThemePark, Advanced Intelligence Robot & Son

      We take care of all your robot needs.
      - If your harddrive crashes?

      Call Backup.
      Or see Upstairs.

      - If you need to get something copied?

      Go see Neko, the copycat.


      • I am here, hi Sir Theme
        I just started to sing my song 2 minutes ago
        How are you?


        • Sing your song? I'm good, just quite tired, I didn't get much sleep last night So I'll have to take a nap soon. How are you, dear mother?

          Oh, I like that I'm in a close fight with Becky for 8th place!
          Intelligent Supporter, Unimportant Sir ThemePark, Advanced Intelligence Robot & Son

          We take care of all your robot needs.
          - If your harddrive crashes?

          Call Backup.
          Or see Upstairs.

          - If you need to get something copied?

          Go see Neko, the copycat.


          • Lol, still enough energy for the fight?

            Yes, my alooney song
            So, you are going to leave me soon? Well then I'll read the new chapters in the stories, because I haven't read them yet.
            I'm okay my dear son It's just that my coffee tastes a bit different this morning, I'm not sure why It is delicious, but there must be something with the cat hair. I need to analyse them


            • Well, she's not online now so I can rest and prepare myself for the fight

              Ah, that song

              Well, I have to sleep soon, but I'm not going just yet, I'll stay a while And I'm glad to hear that you're okay, at least We've all missed your prescence here, you know

              And yes, you definitely should read the new chapters, they're very playboy, and I'm in them all

              Maybe the cat hair has gone stale?

              Oh, I just now notice that you edited your post from half an hour ago, now I understand it Good song though
              Intelligent Supporter, Unimportant Sir ThemePark, Advanced Intelligence Robot & Son

              We take care of all your robot needs.
              - If your harddrive crashes?

              Call Backup.
              Or see Upstairs.

              - If you need to get something copied?

              Go see Neko, the copycat.


              • I have read that you all missed me And I missed you aswell very much

                Yes, I'm looking forward to reading the new chapters But I will do that when you're gone

                No, the cat hair is not stale, but it tastes different. I have done an analysis meanwhile, and it came out, that it is not from Escape, so that is the reason


                • Awww, that's nice to know I hope you can soon be back for longer periods of time again and talk with us like before But no stressing about it, take your time

                  Hmm, I'm distracting you? Ya, I know what you mean though

                  Hmmm...not from Escape? Do we have other cats in here? Maybe it's from murph?
                  Intelligent Supporter, Unimportant Sir ThemePark, Advanced Intelligence Robot & Son

                  We take care of all your robot needs.
                  - If your harddrive crashes?

                  Call Backup.
                  Or see Upstairs.

                  - If you need to get something copied?

                  Go see Neko, the copycat.


                  • Well I think that Lilli has told her daughter not to shave her fur off but to give me instead other cat hair

                    I'll try to be around a bit more in the coming days, before I'll probably be completely away for a while.


                    • Yeah I remember something about the other cat hair, I had just forgotten just exactly what they had been talking about

                      Well, I'm sorry to hear that you'll be going away But don't worry, if you don't feel like coming online, then don't, do it for your own sake, not for ours We'd much rather have a happy, playboy Mistery than a tired, boring Mistery
                      Intelligent Supporter, Unimportant Sir ThemePark, Advanced Intelligence Robot & Son

                      We take care of all your robot needs.
                      - If your harddrive crashes?

                      Call Backup.
                      Or see Upstairs.

                      - If you need to get something copied?

                      Go see Neko, the copycat.


                      • Hehe, a playboy Mistery instead of a boring one

                        Ummm... am I boring? :
                        I think I'll have to work on a strategy for a ROFL attack to prove that I'm not boring

                        *Goes to the ROFL Development Center on GH Planet and starts to work*

                        Well, it's not that I don't feel like coming online But probably I won't have access to a pc


                        • No, you're not boring I just meant, we'd rather have a happy Mistery who's a playboy looney like the rest of us, rather than a Mistery who is exhausted and not writing a lot when she is online because of this

                          Hmm, perhaps you can assist Darknight in his research

                          Hmmm...well, I take it that means you're going on a holiday then I hope you'll have a great and relaxing trip then And there's always internet cafees and laptops if you feel like you're becoming too normal and boring out there in the real world
                          Intelligent Supporter, Unimportant Sir ThemePark, Advanced Intelligence Robot & Son

                          We take care of all your robot needs.
                          - If your harddrive crashes?

                          Call Backup.
                          Or see Upstairs.

                          - If you need to get something copied?

                          Go see Neko, the copycat.


                          • Yes, I think that Darknight is also sometimes working in the ROFL Development Center

                            Oh good, I'm not boring *starts to dance*

                            Me, becoming normal?!? Nobunny can cause that!!!


                            • ROFL! Yes you're right, I think even your husband have lost all hopes of converting you to normality and has instead made himself an emergency package

                              And yes he is, he's the head scientist there Hmm...I wonder if Lilli also works there

                              Oh btw, I'm thinking of creating a picture of the robot island I have absolutely NO idea of how to make it, I just know that I'd like to make/have one
                              Intelligent Supporter, Unimportant Sir ThemePark, Advanced Intelligence Robot & Son

                              We take care of all your robot needs.
                              - If your harddrive crashes?

                              Call Backup.
                              Or see Upstairs.

                              - If you need to get something copied?

                              Go see Neko, the copycat.


                              • ROFL, an emergency package Yes, you are right, I'm a hopeless case

                                Hmmm.... I think all the looneys work in the ROFL Development Center sometimes

                                Wow, great idea to create a pic of Robot Island!!!
                                A 3D software would be great, but I'm sure that you will be able to do it with any software that you have. It's just the moment of creativity overflow that is needed, right?

