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A Little Ferret Thief
OLGM Lilliput, OLM Escapegirl, OLD Darknight and OLB George
Member of GFARDTO and the Looney Bin
OHOHOH!! Check it out:
My city: http://taesana.myminicity.com/
Pretty Please!!!!! Please, please, please!!! I'll even beg *gets on knees*
No, Jess but it's Sunday. My daughter is probably busy with real life stuff ya know
Jaha, min venn. Jeg kommer ikke på noen morsomme norske sitater heller= Yeah, my friend. I can't think of any funny norwegian quotes either
I am off bye
A Little Ferret Thief
OLGM Lilliput, OLM Escapegirl, OLD Darknight and OLB George
Member of GFARDTO and the Looney Bin
OHOHOH!! Check it out:
My city: http://taesana.myminicity.com/
Pretty Please!!!!! Please, please, please!!! I'll even beg *gets on knees*
Låt oss prata svenska i stellet. Jag tror det är betre för oss båda = Let's talk swedish instead. I think that's better for both of us
Erh, hi guys! Long time no see
SnoedaIva is my GHFGNP Ik mis jou
*Crash* is the name of my cpu
Divorcee of Hitman, and the #1 GH-night owl
Insecurity is my worst enemy
Asch, säg saker på norska så svarar jag på svenska. Jag ääääääälskar norska= Bah, say things in norwegian and I'll answer in swedish. I loooove norwegian
Okei, men jeg liker jo å snakke svensk også xD jeg trenger øvelse =
Okay, but I like to speak swedish too xD I need training
Erh, hi guys! Long time no see
SnoedaIva is my GHFGNP Ik mis jou
*Crash* is the name of my cpu
Divorcee of Hitman, and the #1 GH-night owl
Insecurity is my worst enemy
Jeg håper ikke det. Jeg tror ikke hun er så lettskremt = I hope not. I don't think she gets scared off so easially
Hei, ThemeJeg og Anna snakker skandinavinsk
= Hey, theme Anna and I are talking skandinavian
Erh, hi guys! Long time no see
SnoedaIva is my GHFGNP Ik mis jou
*Crash* is the name of my cpu
Divorcee of Hitman, and the #1 GH-night owl
Insecurity is my worst enemy
Originally posted by LilliputtMin Crazy ä ute å seeeeglar
Min Crazy är ute i sjöööööön
Min Crazy ä ute å seeglar
Få Crazy tillbaka till miiiiiiiiig
Kom hiiiiit, koooooom hiiit
Å kooom hit tillbaka till miiiiig till miiiiig
Kom hiiiiit, koooooom hiiit
Få Crazy tillbaka till miiiiiiiiig
Is that better, dear
You don't liiiiiiike my fantastic Lilliputtish looooooogic. Boooooaaaah
Thanks Mistery
Hmm...Scandinavian being spoken...time for some Danish to be added to the mix?Intelligent Supporter, Unimportant Sir ThemePark, Advanced Intelligence Robot & Son
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