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  • @Escape, sleep well and see you next morning!

    @tae fae, so you're pretty good at the escape game and point and click game. How about the riddle game? That's the one led me in here.

    Originally posted by EscapeGirl
    Hey, try and save the mods a little time...if no one has posted since your last post, and you want to add something, or say something more, just click on the EDIT button in the bottom right corner of you post....that way you won't have more than one post in a row. Then the mods have to go through and adjust it.
    @tae fae, as Escape mentioned, you'd better use edit button in the bottom right of your post, copy the 2nd post and delete it, then paste it to the 1st post. You are kinda new here, so you might not know it.


    • g2g bye!


      • Ummm...okay...I think.

        Dont see an edit button, I just refresh the page....
        maybe thats the problem

        "The physical universe applaudes ACTION'S, not thoughts" - unknown.


        • Originally posted by tae_fae
          Ummm...okay...I think.

          Dont see an edit button, I just refresh the page....
          maybe thats the problem

          mmm.. it's wierd that you don't see an edit button... But I can't help with this any further...

          @Ace, Bye I'll see you soon.

          And I'm too off for a while, have fun here tae fae.


          • *slurp slurp slurp* Ahhh, there's nothing better than drinking carrot rum through a straw* *hic*

            I see you've been talking about me I'm at Uppsala station now, and probably alone in here

            And a screwdriver in my finger and a GPS system that's in for repair? ROFL! (no not literally ) Escape has a pretty good idea of what it's like to be a robot Now I want to actually be one irl, it sounds so cool

            I feel odd... *looks down at himself* OMG, I'm growing hairy legs! And I'm getting a fear of newspapers

            *faints and falls down on the floor* *hic*
            Last edited by ThemePark; 10-13-2006, 12:35:36.
            Intelligent Supporter, Unimportant Sir ThemePark, Advanced Intelligence Robot & Son

            We take care of all your robot needs.
            - If your harddrive crashes?

            Call Backup.
            Or see Upstairs.

            - If you need to get something copied?

            Go see Neko, the copycat.


            • anyone awake?

              Are we all sleepy eyed out there?

              Guesse so......
              Last edited by tae_fae; 10-13-2006, 12:55:32.
              "The physical universe applaudes ACTION'S, not thoughts" - unknown.


              • Hey guys, how r you?
                Dream as if you'll Live forever, Live as if you'll Die today

                Ubi Gamershood, Caritas et Amor ibi est

                Member of CST-Experiments team: Science Stable Supervisor !

                With online mom Lilli and sisters EscapeGirl and Doglover!



                • Hey Miss Holland.

                  How are you doing?
                  "The physical universe applaudes ACTION'S, not thoughts" - unknown.


                  • I'm fine tae fea, how are you ?
                    Dream as if you'll Live forever, Live as if you'll Die today

                    Ubi Gamershood, Caritas et Amor ibi est

                    Member of CST-Experiments team: Science Stable Supervisor !

                    With online mom Lilli and sisters EscapeGirl and Doglover!



                    • Hello, yall!

                      STILL struddling


                      PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


                      • got bombed out.
                        Im good, looking forward to going home.
                        "The physical universe applaudes ACTION'S, not thoughts" - unknown.


                        • Hello tae_fae! Uh, bombed out, huh? Bummer! Sorry, can't help ya there... Can I ask you sumthin'? Is it hot or cold weather where you are at? It's gettin' kinda chilly up here ya know...

                          STILL struddling


                          PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


                          • Im in South Africa, were coming into summer now, reaching temperatures of 23 degree's and it aint november yet - this is gonna be a HOOOOOTTTT summer.
                            W had a pretty bad winter though. Although the people use to cold weather probable wouldnt think so - south africans arent use to teperatures droping below 0.
                            where are you based?
                            "The physical universe applaudes ACTION'S, not thoughts" - unknown.


                            • This is Sweden calling South Africa....Come in please...*radio noises disturbs communication*...can you hear me? I hear you loud and clear!

                              ( Jokes aside, in Sweden during winter it can drop to minus 40 degrees Celcius, and we are slowly movin' inta WINTER! Oh, no! )

                              STILL struddling


                              PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


                              • EEEEEKKKKK!!!!!

                                Thats horrible!

                                I was in the UK 3 years ago in Winter and I DIED!!!
                                Horrible weather.

                                I have never seen real snow though, we had sleet this winter and the whole business came to a stand still and ran outside to see "the snow"
                                it made the headlines of all our local papers - turns out it was just sleet.
                                "The physical universe applaudes ACTION'S, not thoughts" - unknown.

