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  • @Ace, bye Have fun today!!

    @murph, yes that's exactly what I wanted to say! layout! And each level has obvoius subject, that makes us get involved in your riddle much deeper than we expected!! And also I could find what I'm good at and not good at.

    Okay, hug to you!! Have a good night!!

    @Mistery and lilli, Thank you so much for the story! I really enjoyed reading it! You are so talented for writing, making the story sometimes funny, sometimes serious and exciting and always end happily!! I can't wait for the new story begins.
    Last edited by lili; 10-20-2006, 07:23:50.


    • @ Murph, Lili, and Ace...I'm sorry I didn't come back very quickly!! I got a phone call and was on it for awhile. Anyway, bye to you all....looks like Lili is on here somewhere......

      @ Mistery....I can't see you, but I know your here. (Isn't that from a movie???) Good morning to you!!

      Here you go...with cat hair....and by the way..READ THE MUG!!!


      • Lol, gooooooood morning Escape
        Was checking posts from the night, it takes me a lot of time each morning to do my "job" here

        How are you my favorite cat?


        • Glad you like the pic!! It really made me laugh... I'm fine...getting sleepy. Only came back to post an "I'm sorry" because I had said I'd be right back. Yes, I know you have a rather full job here...we post too much!! How are you??


          • Hello, welcome back, Escape!! I worked with yellow room while you were off.

            Good morning, Mistery!! How's your headache?? I hope you feel better.


            • @ Lili...Yes, I was gone longer than expected. Are you enjoying "Yellow Room?" I will have to try it this weekend. If I try it now, I'll never go to bed!!! Lol..


              • Oh, hi lili, you are also here?

                Yes, it seems to be gone finally
                And how are you?

                For the story: there might be a surprise later on before the new story starts.

                @ Escape: ROFL!!! I need such a MUG
                (Did you make it, or find it???)


                • @ Mistery, btw, I was driving to meet my group for class tonight, and I drove past one of those big electronic sign things (for a theater/dance hall place) and I saw the word CLONE on it. I was driving and couldn't read the small print, so I don't know what it was about...but there I was driving down the freeway and LOL-ing!!! Thought you'd get a kick out of that!!


                  • Hehe, Escape
                    Maybe a Clone Show (I only know that my clones were talking about a performance and were exercizing during the last days, though I have no more data on it)


                    • Yes I'm feeling good. I finished that game, I cheated a little by getting some hints from japanese game site though..

                      @Mistery, happy to hear that!!

                      @Escape, yes, you'd better try it some other day!!


                      • @ Mistery....ROFL!!! neighbors are sleeping!!!


                        • Oh, I thought Mistery have a branch of her clone service in California!

                          @Mistery, you mean you gonna post another side story??


                          • @ Lili....Maybe she does...if so......that means....*looks around* there is carrot rum in California!! (They're needed for the clones, you know.."Just add Carrot Rum." YUM!!


                            • Originally posted by lili
                              @Mistery, you mean you gonna post another side story??
                              Nope, it won't be me. But I won't tell more, it's a surprise It will take some time though

                              ROFL just add carrot rum Thanks for reminding me!


                              • @ Mistery...silly you, you already told earlier today who's writing the next stories!

