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Chit Chat 2

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  • @Lili, good night again sweet sis. Have some goos sleep with some wonderful dreams. Hope to you you later this weekend.

    @Crazy, okay, enjoy your the good weather before the sun is completely gone. Hope to see you soon.

    @Rannei, glad to hear you are fine.

    @Mitty, I am doing good. Thanks for asking. How are you doing? Still playing laser tank or have you finished it by now.

    @Lilli, you just haven't read the thread "why do you come to GH", have you? And yes of course I remember that, but that couldn't be it. I made that links at 2 February this year. And chit chat the beginning was closed at 10 January this year. So only a mod could have deleted and/or merged posts after 2 Feb. '07.
    Faily of Kzin



    • @Adventure
      I'm still playing laser-tank game


      • ...oh.. I see. Well, I suppose sumbunny did sumthin' but I dunno more than that. You gots ta ask da mighty bunny, dear Adventure... *Scratches head but still doesn't feel very smart* Read da "why do you come to GH"? Well, not in a while no. I should then, huh?

        Yes, it's posted here *Keeps hugin' da sweet Mitty*

        STILL struddling


        PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


        • @Mitty, I am wondering when you finally have fisned laser tank if you will be very happy or that you maybe wished that you hadn't finished it yet. But there are so many other good and fun games. You never are played out. When you have played them all, 10 new games will be released.

          @Lilli, no you don't have to read it. Of course not. But if you had read it, you would know that my first chat activity found place in pets/animal, that's all.

          And it doesn't really matter that the amount of posts in chit chat were reduced. But I just noticed it and well okay, I am a little curious about it as always.
          Faily of Kzin



          • @Kindred Lilli
            Let me see, hmm *keeps huging Kindred Lilli*

            hmm.... interesting!!!!!


            • I think you are right about da laser tank game, dear butterfly

              Do that *Keeps hugin' da sweet Mitty*

              STILL struddling


              PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


              • What about a group hug?

                @Lilli, edited my previous post.
                Faily of Kzin



                • Laser-tank game has many levels


                  • @Mitty, yes I know. But one day you have solved them all.
                    Faily of Kzin



                    • @Adventure
                      Oh... da edit! Sorry, didn't notice. Ya don't think it was some spammin' bein' deleted and multiposts bein' merged? Still think you should ask da might bunny
                      Yeah, I would have known but I would also still be glad ya posted your first posts I likes ta know what da favourite butterfly was up to in da beginning, you see.

                      Many levels are good *Keeps hugin' da sweet Mitty*

                      STILL struddling


                      PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


                      • @Adventure
                        yeah, I'll must solve them all

                        @Kindred Lilli
                        Yes, many levels are good & fun also * keeps huging Kindred Lilli*


                        • I know what ya mean, dear! *Keeps hugin' da sweet Mitty*

                          STILL struddling


                          PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


                          • @Kindred Lilli
                            * keeps huging Kindred Lilli*
                            Last edited by Mulan; 03-30-2007, 18:27:11.


                            • Pfff, no group hug?

                              @Lilli, yes that is what I think too. What else could it be? Probably it are mainly posts which violated the sharpened rules we have now. If I was a mod here, I would leave the multiple posting for what it is in that thread. In that time was multiple posting not really forbidden. Everybunny was doing it. Yep, even the mods. (don't ban me for telling this, please ). If you would merge them all it would take days. And if you see how many new multiple posts are created every singel day. It really shocks me still. No, I am not gonna bother da Bunny with this kind of unimportant questions.

                              Edit: Btw I miss da Bunny. I haven't seen her in two days now.
                              Faily of Kzin



                              • Originally posted by Adventure
                                Pfff, no group hug?

                                @Lilli, yes that is what I think too. What could it else be? Probably it are mainly posts which violated the sharpened rules we have now. If I was a mod here, I would leave the multiple posting for what it is in that thread. In that time was multiple posting not really forbidden. Everybunny was doing it. Yep, even the mods. (don't ban me for telling this, please ). If you would merge them all it would take days. And if you see how many new multiple posts are created every singel day. It really shocks me still. No, I am not gonna bother da Bunny with this kind of unimportant questions.
                                ....Uhm... I am so bad I forgots ta group hug Please forgive this silly little islander, dear butterfly.
                                Ok, GROUP HUUUUUG!!

                                I know about the multipostin' being allowed. All was talking about that when I got here I think it is a good rule now though, cuz we are such blabbermouths
                                Not gonna ask? Ok, I will then (J/K)

                                EDIT: I miss her too, da Adventure *Goes ta comfort da Adventure* Happy I gots you here though, dear favourite butterfly

                                STILL struddling


                                PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!

