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Chit Chat 2

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  • *hugs da mom * Ice cream!? I'd love some!! Thank you!! And it's not messy. You should see what I do to MY place with these claws of mine and my fur? Things can get a bit messy. Now...where's this computer of yours. *takes out Slurp Spider stick*


    • ...ooops... uhm got side tracked.. Also I cannot believe I am STILL online
      Da computer? RIGHT over there *Points*
      I see sumbunny fell down a hole a while ago and talked to da Tom. I thought it inspiring

      STILL struddling


      PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


      • *goes over to da computer, takes out an old computer out of da bag, and sets it next to da mom's computer* Well, see this Mr. Computer? Well, you act up and this is what will happen to you! *takes out club and beats da old computer until it's nothing larger than a Byte. * Hmph! All done. That should keep your computer scared for awhile. *feels proud*

        Oh, hehe...Tom didn't like me much that day. Very unhelpful. I will have to check out da basement soon.


        • I might have droped by Tom butaaa it's so boring. You better stay here where and uhm, enjoy da ice cream

          *Feels very proud of da daughter* I dunno what ya did, but I have not been online this long for the past few days *Gives da daughter a GIGANTIC hug * You are so wonderful

          STILL struddling


          PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


          • *goes to look for a bunny's basement hole* hehe... *takes da ice cream with me.*

            Um...I wasn't really online all weekend. Maybe your computer wanted to be online with me. Hehe....Well, now it should be scared stiff. It'll stick around now. It's afraid of me. *holds up a twisted and mangled piece of da demonstration computer* Hehe...I scared it.


            • You sure did and that makes you my heroic daughter *Feels extreeeeeeemly proud of daughter* Now I gots ta see if I can find you a ROFL bomb

              STILL struddling


              PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


              • Yaaaaaaaaaaay! A ROFL bomb!! *Sniffs da air - without being catty*


                • Bah, I have been tryin' ta find the dialogue with Tom that OneBun posted. Gee, those posts are STILL hilarious

                  EDIT: Ok... lemme see. This is "excerpts from actual letters from tenants to their apartment managers and owners." I found this a little funny

                  "I am writing on behalf of my sink, which is running away from the wall."

                  STILL struddling


                  PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


                  • ROFL!! That's too great!

                    Btw, I MAY have had a conversation with Tom in da basement.


                    • Did I make da Escape ROFL at work? *Feels pleased* Here is another one on da same subject
                      "It's the dogs mess that I find hard to swallow."

                      I don't wanna know what he usually has for breakfast ... EEEEEEEEWWWWW!!

                      STILL struddling


                      PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


                      • Yes, you did... And you just did it again! ROFL!! That's so icky!!


                        • I read the dialogue with Tom and.... ROOOOOOOOOOOOOFL! I am dyin' over here. I don't think he is being very... uhm... how shall I put this careful ta choose his words. So playboy!
                          Da bunny made a little booboo I think in da basement forums games too

                          STILL struddling


                          PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


                          • I know!! I was thinking the same thing!! Two of his statements were um...WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too playboy! Cracked me up!! Da bunny made a boo boo!? That can't happen much!


                            • Well, it's in "Name that Thing". Da person who posted da pic said it's a larva and then da bunny asked if it's a bug and not an animal. I'm sorry but I find that very funny

                              STILL struddling


                              PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


                              • ROFL!! That is pretty funny. Silly bunny must've been tired. Tired BUN.

                                Well, dear mother...I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad to see that your computer is up and running smoothly! I hope it stays that way! I have class from 6 - 10 tonight *sigh*, so I must get going. Have a wonderful night's rest, and I hope to see ya tomato! Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuge, warm 's to you!! Sweet dreams. And remind that computer of yours, if it acts up....I'm gonna get it.

