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Chit Chat 2

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  • Hello Adventure How have you been?

    Wifey - Are ya going to take Pics of tonight?
    Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be lived
    "The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up."


    • I know!! The weekend is definitely my favorite part of the week. I will sleep in late, I hope.

      Nah...I can't graduate until I have completed more classes. If I continue taking 2 - 3 classes at a time, I should graduate Fall 2008. I'd like to take more classes at a time if I can, though. I'd like to graduate next Spring.

      @ Husbun....I don't know. Maybe.


      • Wifey - only cause I lost all mine
        Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be lived
        "The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up."


        • Aww....Does that make you sad?


          • @Darknight, I have been mostly good. What about you?

            Edit: What did you loose? You mean the bat pics?

            @Escape, So you have about one year to go or maybe less if you decide to take more classes. But I think you should take it easy, you are busy enough. I should exactly graduate next month, but I have a break this year. But after your final exam you have summer vacation, which means no classes to follow until the end of August/begin September?

            Btw taking pics tonight? What are you up to?
            Faily of Kzin



            • Wifey - yes it does

              Adventure - I've been working more. my Department was down sized from 4 People to 2, so I have to cover the slack.
              Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be lived
              "The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up."


              • @Dark, so there is no change they are hiring new people in the near future, huh? Do you never think about switching your job? Or is that not that easy? Anyway I am glad to see you have still time to come here.
                Faily of Kzin



                • Advernture - No, They won't hire any new People. It's not to hard, but I've been with this company for almost 7 years. It's not bad, I'm mostly mad cause I lose my easy way of life and can't chat as much. I was just being selfish about it.
                  Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be lived
                  "The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up."


                  • @ Adventure....Ya, I am already registered for classes for the fall semester. Only two classes - a total of 8 units. (I don't know if you use the unit system there the Netherlands or not. ) But yes, after this next week, I have summer vacation. Then I just have work and no school, no homework. Classes will start again on August 21st, I think.

                    A break from school this year? I think that's a good thing. I have done that myself in the past. It's nice. And how has the weather been over there?

                    Hehe...No, I'm not necessarily taking pics tonight. Da husbun just wants me to. I am just going out with some friends. I haven't done that in ages because I have been sick. So it will be nice.

                    @ Husbun....Just because...


                    • @Dark, So the most you like about your job is that you don't have to do much. Wow 7 years is quite long. What did you do before this job if I may ask?

                      Originally posted by EscapeGirl
                      @ Adventure....Ya, I am already registered for classes for the fall semester. Only two classes - a total of 8 units. (I don't know if you use the unit system there the Netherlands or not. ) But yes, after this next week, I have summer vacation. Then I just have work and no school, no homework. Classes will start again on August 21st, I think.

                      A break from school this year? I think that's a good thing. I have done that myself in the past. It's nice. And how has the weather been over there?

                      Hehe...No, I'm not necessarily taking pics tonight. Da husbun just wants me to. I am just going out with some friends. I haven't done that in ages because I have been sick. So it will be nice.
                      No we don't have a unit system here in the Netherlands, so I don't know that exactly means. But is it like you have to do 8 tests about 8 differents subjects and if you have done this well enough you are allowed to exam?
                      Yeah almost summer vaction for you. Have you any special plans for the summer vacation?

                      Yep, I had a break, a very needed break. I was way too stressed and it just got all too much. Glad I have that period now behing me, I will probably start with my study again next fall.

                      Hmm, the weather has been good. Much rain, which was very welcome after that 6 weeks of no rain at all, a little cloudy but also sun and nice temperatures (18-22 degrees Celsius). But since today it seems it's getting warmer again. And what about Cali? Has it cool down there too?

                      Wow, it looks like you are going to have a great evening. Darknight likes to see your friends, huh?
                      Last edited by Adventure; 05-18-2007, 21:14:49. Reason: Merged my own posts. :P
                      Faily of Kzin



                      • Adventure - Before This Job ? Parts I've been in the Automotive bussiness for about 14 or 15 years.

                        Wifey - thanks
                        Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be lived
                        "The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up."


                        • @Dark, yes that is what I meant. Wow, so you have been working in the auto bussiness about half your life. How did you get in? You always wanted to work in this bussiness or did things just turned out this way and now you are stuck. Sorry, some weird humor of mine. I think I have been playing too many games. Btw Automotive?? Is that a real word?
                          Faily of Kzin



                          • Adventure - I got into it young. Nobody wants to work as a parts sales guy. It's one of those jobs that you stumble into. It pays well if you can handle it. And yeah I'm stuck in it. Yes Automotive is a real word
                            Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be lived
                            "The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up."


                            • @ Adventure.....Well, for the units. This is how it works: Each class is worth a certain amount of units depending on the difficulty of each course, and the amount of hours you spend in the classroom and on homework. Average class is about 3 units. I am taking two 4 unit classes this next semester, meaning there will be quite a bit of classroom time, and homework time. Then in order to graduate from the University, you have to have so many units taken over the course of your University studies, and many of those courses are required for your field of study. (Which for me, is psychology.) I hope that makes sense.

                              Nope. No special plans for my summer vacation. Just relax and get better. And, well, of course work. Hehe...Wish I could stop that, too.

                              Yes, school can get so stressful. I can only imagine your training and school really could. Seems like a lot to learn that is very technical, and also a lot of hard work. I'm glad you took the much needed break. Now you will be able to return refreshed.

                              Sounds as though the weather there has been quite pleasant! YAY! Our weather has been as well. It's been very comfortable, and sunny. Makes me want to go hiking or go to the beach. Maybe I will bring some of my study materials this weekend to the beach, and enjoy it there while I study. But it will begin getting hot again next week.

                              Hehe...My husbun loves to see pics of my friends. (They're guys, too! )

                              @ Husbun...I've been at my job for 6 1/2 years myself. But I haven't been in LAW before that.


                              • Awww, poor Darknight. Well, at least pays well and you have time to be online. Still I wish you could have a job which you like more. Well life sucks. (Am I allowed to say this actually?? ) But life has also some good parts.

                                Lol, I actually did wiki automotive and it redirects me to automobile.
                                Faily of Kzin


