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Chit Chat 2

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  • A Butterfly E.T. That would be interesting. Proof that she IS alienish. It's in her genes.

    @ Mistery...I'm glad to hear that you will at least be able to phone them. That should help a bit, though I know it's not the same.


    • @Mystery, at least I was thinking alienish. And no I didn't get it yet, I was a little distracted by the renegade game. I will look at it later today.
      No renegade's games for me today, well I think.

      Good to hear you can telephone and a visit of your Family in the weekend sounds great. I hope it can be realized so now and then even it isn't near at home. And yes, don't forget to take photos with you, however I think you already packed a bunch of them.
      Faily of Kzin



      • Okay, I have to continue with my stuff. Thanks for all your nice words. See you in my evening
        Just in case of storm: Backup plan is basement


        • Bye Mistery!! When you are done with the chaos of your day, come back here and we'll try to give you some going away ROFL's. Huuuuuge, warm, get-you-through-your-day kinda .

          Got it...backup plan = Basement. *wonders if Sir Theme has been grounded to the basement again. *


          • Have a wonderful day with your family Mystery. See you in the evening, here at GHP or in the bunny's basement. More enormous warm special hugs for you sweetheart.

            Btw about Becky, I was just joking. I know she a nice and sweet wolf and I bet she wouldn't mind at all.

            Edit: Pffff or I forget to type words or I type them double, it is always something with da butterfly.

            @Escape, well if Theme was grounded to the basement, at least he would be there. But I never saw him there, but then again I am not so much around in the basement myself. Lately only when it storms here.

            So did you already passed the 49th grade?
            Last edited by Adventure; 01-22-2007, 12:33:08.
            Faily of Kzin



            • @ Adventure...Sorry for the delay, I was riddling. But, YES!! I DID!! YAY!! I am on level 50!! Though, it IS 3:40 am here, and I should really sleep. I have work...

              And you have a good point about our dear Sir Theme. I have never seen him there. I,too, only visit the basement when there is a storm.

              Do you have fun plans for the day?

              Btw, your typos are part of what makes you have your very own butterflyish language.


              • Hurrah!!! Congrats again amiga.

                No I don't have fun plans for today only necessary plans, like cleaning, do some shoppings, make some phonecalls, etc. But maybe I will do some fun things today, you never know what the day will bring you.

                So are you now going to sleep?

                Edit: yes I know that my typos and adventurous reading developed the butterflyish language. Thank you Escape.
                Faily of Kzin



                • Well, maybe you will find time to go for a nice walk with da hubby somewhere in there.

                  I want to finish level 50!! It's killing me!! If I go to bed now, all I willl do is think about those phrases and what I am supposed to find in them! I have riddled just about all my spare time this weekend in an attempt to finish it before I see da online husbun again. Kinda made a promise to myself that I would, ya know.

                  And thank you, again, for the congrats as I moved up a grade.


                  • I was thinking that too. It would be nice to go for a walk today. The sky is grey, but I doesn't rain and it isn't cold. I only hope that he will be in the mood for it later. I will ask them that soon.

                    Escape, there is no hidden message in those phrases. You already think too hard on this. But don't make that promise kill you. I am sure your husbun is already very proud that you have come this far in such a short time. I am proud of you too, you know. If you like a could give you a little hint.
                    Faily of Kzin



                    • Yooohooo... Just poppin' in for a quick "hi"!

                      STILL struddling


                      PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


                      • Well, maybe the weather will stay somewhat nice for you. Let's keep those hurricane force winds AWAY!! (I am glad that bad storm has was on our USA news about Europeans, too. )

                        Thank you, mi amiga!! husbun probably doesn't care either way, hehe...but I was determined to say on Monday morning, "I did it!!" So...I suppose that's why. Silly BatCat that I am. A little hint? *looks at clock....4:05 a.m* Well, maybe.....that might be good. But only a little one. You can PM me.

                        Hey Mom!! Huuuuuuuuuuuge, sleepy How are ya!? Any more fun meetings today?


                        • Yeah Lilli!! Good to see you in the early afternoon. How are you?

                          @Escape, there is almost no wind anymore after that storm. But it was even on the USA news? Wow, I am a little surprised.

                          I will PM you Escape.
                          Faily of Kzin



                          • @ Adventure...Yes, it was. My mom actually called me and told me she saw the pics/video on the news. They showed pictures of people holding on to light posts as they tried to walk down roads, and the wind was blowing so hard. Sounded awful!

                            EDIT: I did it! I did it! I did it!! I did it!!! YAY! Thank you for that tiny hint. I can't believe I had been SOOOO close!! I PMed you what my very first attempt had been!! ROFL!! Silly BatCat!! THANK YOU, my dear!


                            • @Escape
                              Yes, it was awful. In Amsterdam (near by the coast) they even got horizontal rain. You know I love Europe's storms, we never have hurricans or what so ever. But when people die because of it, you consider your thoughts about it.
                              Faily of Kzin



                              • Oh, da Adventure and my dear beautiful daughter! HUUUUUUUUUGE HUGS to da pair of ya.
                                How I am? Well, I missed da alien earlier, thaz sad but I think it's worse ta know she is leaving. On da other hand if she gets back in March I have promised myself I will... err... borrow a car and drive all da way ta Switzerland ta see her
                                I see my daughter is makin' great progress in da riddle thingy *Feels very proud* Good work!!

                                Edit: About da storm. My mom actually calls ta make sure I am in doors because she has seen what happens when I am out walking in da storm

                                STILL struddling


                                PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!

