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Chit Chat 2

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  • @Cheesewheel, yes I am. I am a daughter of da alien.
    Faily of Kzin



    • Originally posted by Adventure
      Yeah, like you are 86 or so. Edit: Oops I meant 84 years. I really need that new memory chip.

      Hi Lilli, my favoutite little carrot islander. How are you dear? I haven't seen you in days.'

      @Cheesewheel, nice to meet you. I see Lilli is teaching you about the looney bin.
      DA AAAAAAAAADVEEEEEENTURE!!!! *Rushes over and gives da favourite butterfly an enormous hug * I missed ya, you know
      Teachin'? Moi? Naaaaah.... I was just mentioning a thing or two, you see. I'm fine, sleepy and hungary, btw, how are you doin'?

      Yep, make da best sense that an alien has a talking butterfly for a daughter

      STILL struddling


      PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


      • da alien??


        • @Lilli, I am good and sleepy too. Yes, I know I haven't post here in days. But I was glad that I have seen you in da besement. But I missed you too here and all the looneys. I am just quite busy lately, still, and enjoying the good weather in the Netherlands.

          @Cheesewheel, da alien is Mistery, also a moderator here. But at the moment she is on a vacation.
          Faily of Kzin



          • Mistery is a mod on this forum and is also known to be the GH planets own alien

            Really? Good weather? I am pleased ta hear that ya gots that at least. Not good for ya to be busy in bad weather ya know

            STILL struddling


            PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


            • @Lilli, yes really. Today we had a temperature of 18 degrees Celsius. So we went out for a little walk. And yes, it much nicer to arrange things outdoors when the weather is good. In the evenings I do the computer stuff. So how is the weather In Sweden? Do you also have spring weather?

              Edit: Pfff I have 70 pages to catch up and it's too late to do that know.
              Faily of Kzin



              • bleh, someone needs to start a chat aboot somethin.


                • @Cheesewheel, and why shouldn't you be that person? Is it's late here in Europe so I am leaving soon and go to bed.
                  Faily of Kzin



                  • Dear Adventure
                    You can imagine how your plantish sister and I are happy at da thought of it
                    Yep, spring weather in Sweden. Time for blossomin', ya know

                    If ya wants ta chat about sumthin' else pick a subject cuz Adventure and I live in the same time zone and are too tires ta think much, ya know

                    STILL struddling


                    PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


                    • favourite drink! pets? you married? career? embarrassing moments?


                      • @Lilli, Yes I can imagine that. You should be both completely in your element.

                        LOL, tires. Yep, that is also what wanted to say. Great minds think alike. You said that to me when we first met each other, Lilli. Do you still remember?
                        Faily of Kzin



                        • @CheeseWheel
                          I guess we are just to used to talking loony ta have normal chat conversations. Most of those topics have a thread where you can post about yourself.
                          In here we do things like translating swenglish, for example

                          I had almost forgotten. Why did I say that? *Tries ta think with tired mind*

                          STILL struddling


                          PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


                          • well that's boring for me cuz i don't know all this loonyness ::sigh::


                            • @Cheesewheel, favourite drink= full milk (yep, serious ). I am not married, but live together with my boyfriend for almost 8 years and call him hubby at the chat. And most embarrassing moment is too embarrassing to tell.
                              Faily of Kzin



                              • @CheeseWheel
                                Aww... Wanna try Swenglish maybe? Swenglish is what Swedes do when they use swedish words as if they are english.Here is a Swenglish sentence for you. Picture that you are out driving in the Swedish countryside when a police stops your car and makes you open da window.
                                Police - This is a fart control, PUT YOUR HANDS ON THE RAT(T)!

                                What can he possibly have meant?

                                STILL struddling


                                PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!

