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Chit Chat 2

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  • *Holds da sweet Mitty gently as da doctor looks at da wrist* Don't worry! If he does one wrong move I'll bite him *Keeps hugin' sweet Mitty* You see, da butterfly thought it a goood idea to see the doctor, yes. *The doctor gives da little islander a surprised look* Well, hurrry up. I don't want da Mitty ta have ta go through life with a bad wrist! *Da doctor gently removes da sprain and then makes some notes about how Mitty reacts to his treatment* Oh, I think he says it's much better Mitty

    THAZ !! Why would anybunny do that????

    Welcome back!

    STILL struddling


    PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


    • @wirodeu
      Hello are you still mad at me? I can't even remember what we were fighting for...

      Because they forgot to give me a key
      Ninjas have more fun
      I'm the Ninja of the Looney Bin
      Online Family:
      Brothers:...........Wirodeu and Bread


      • @Rannei
        I'm fine thanks , who done that to you ?????

        Hi, best friend, I'm fine thanks & you ????

        @Kindred Lilli
        Ahh, Its great *keeps huging Kindred Lilli*


        • @mitty
          My mother did it... She forgot that I didn't have a key. so I sat outside for two hours waiting for her to come home and open the door.
          While she was watching my sister gymnastic.
          Ninjas have more fun
          I'm the Ninja of the Looney Bin
          Online Family:
          Brothers:...........Wirodeu and Bread


          • @Lilliputt; Hi! Anything happened? Are the tiny carrots for da smurfs ready?

            @Rannei; You said you were gonna tell Crazy cuz i don't know my mom! *Cries*

            @Mitty; I'm doin' good too!


            • I know how that is Rannei. My mama did that to me too. It really sucks when it is one AM in da mornin' and she is very much asleep

              Anythin' for you, dear friend! *Keeps hugin' sweet Mitty and feels happy da Mitty is gettin' better*

              The smurfs got some mini Sarsaparilla and are very pleased

              STILL struddling


              PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


              • @Rannei
                Oh, sorry to hear that, by the way, you must rest

                thank you, Kindred Lilli * *keeps huging Kindred Lilli*


                • *strolls into da chit chat2, hops up onto da sofa, curls up, and watches da loonies. Spills coffee*


                  • @Wirodeu
                    Now I remember! you said that I ate Bread, and I sad that I would tell dad, then you said you would tell dad first, then I said that I would tell mom and you started too cry!!

                    Yes it sucks. And the worst is that it started too rain too

                    OMG!! I have too eat dinner now! I will be back soon
                    Ninjas have more fun
                    I'm the Ninja of the Looney Bin
                    Online Family:
                    Brothers:...........Wirodeu and Bread


                    • @Cousin
                      Hello, How are you ?????


                      • Originally posted by EscapeGirl
                        *strolls into da chit chat2, hops up onto da sofa, curls up, and watches da loonies. Spills coffee*
                        MY ESCAAAAAAAAAAAAAPE DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUGHTER!! *Runs over and gives da beautiful daughter a GIGANTIC * How are ya? ....uhm... are ya at WORK?

                        Always welcome *Keeps hugin' da sweet Mitty*

                        Aww... poor Rannei Here have a warm
                        See ya soon! Bye!

                        STILL struddling


                        PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


                        • * keeps huging Kindred Lilli*


                          • @ Cousin....YOU'RE BAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!! *hops off da sofa, runs over, and gives da cousin a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge, warm * I'm okay, thanks. How was your trip!?

                            @ Mom....DA MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!! *finishes hugging da cousin, and runs over and gives da mom a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge, warm * Me? At work? Um.....ya..... *smells another ROFL in da air* How are you!?


                            • @Lilliputt; Nice!

                              @Da BatCat; Eeeeeescapeeeee!!!! *Goes to da BatCat and gives da BatCat a HUGE warm hug* How are you doin'?
                              I made some shakes & cakes in da hotel (Strawberry )

                              @Rannei; Yeah! And daddy told me that i will meet my mom later in the future!


                              • @Cousin
                                I have a great trip *gives a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge warm to da cousin*

