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Chit Chat 2

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  • Bye Dor! See you later!
    Carrot Scientist of GamersHood Planet
    Night Owl of GamersHood Planet!
    1st GamersHood twins - Jenni and I!
    The Looney Bin Banner!


    • Hi Electro girl, Wirodeu, Darknight.

      Hi Dor, nice to meet you. Hey you are from Israel. I think Becky will be glad to see she got a new country fellow man around the forums here.
      Edit: Oh you have to go already. See you probably later.
      Have a great evening.

      @Electro, Glad to hear you're fine. I am great. Only I was a little worried about my grand father. He was very sick last days, but today he is finally doing much better. Thank, for asking.
      Faily of Kzin



      • @Darknight - Hello!
        How are you doing?

        @Dor - Hi, dor! Welcome to the forums!
        How are you doin'?
        Edit: I see you have to leave already, Bye!

        @Adventure - Hello adventure!
        I am doing good! How about you?

        @Electrogirl - Hello electro' scientist!
        *Runs to the scientist to give her a nice warm hug *
        I am doing good! How about you?

        @Theme - Hi themepark!
        How are you doing?

        @All - I'm very chatty today!
        I have till 23:00 To chat/play forum games!
        (It's 19:00 here in holland right now)


        • Bye Dor and Adventure
          Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be lived
          "The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up."


          • Originally posted by ThemePark
            *gives my sister a BIG butterfly hug*

            Hey wirodeu and Dor
            Hey, finally I catch my brother. *gives bro Theme a huuuuuuuuuge Butterflyish back* How are you doing? Still busy with all kind of things?

            @Dark, I am not leaving yet.

            @Wirodeu, Glad to hear you good. I am great, really.
            Faily of Kzin



            • Not so much busy, more like prioritizing my time differently. But I'm back for good this time.
              Intelligent Supporter, Unimportant Sir ThemePark, Advanced Intelligence Robot & Son

              We take care of all your robot needs.
              - If your harddrive crashes?

              Call Backup.
              Or see Upstairs.

              - If you need to get something copied?

              Go see Neko, the copycat.


              • Hi Adventure!

                Hi wirodeu!

                ...sorry I didn't respond right away. mod distractions keep coming up.
                Seeking Where My Alien & Mysterious Sis Has gone???
                Looney GHer!


                • hello hello !

                  "Whoever said money can't buy happiness
                  simply didn't know where to go shopping."


                  • @Theme, yeah you said that also last time. But it's very good to see you again. So what are you all doing? Or is that private?

                    @OneBunny!!! How is my favourite online bunny doing? Beside busy with mod duties.
                    Faily of Kzin



                    • Adventure
                      I'm glad you're great! Oh dear...well i'm glad that he's better now. I hope he stays well.

                      I'm fine thanks! *Gives the bear a biiiiiiig hug*
                      Yaaaaay! So that's *counts* 4 hours!

                      Helloooooo. How are you?
                      Carrot Scientist of GamersHood Planet
                      Night Owl of GamersHood Planet!
                      1st GamersHood twins - Jenni and I!
                      The Looney Bin Banner!


                      • @Adventure - I'm your doing great!
                        Want some pancakes? I have been making a lot of them lately! Seems like da loonies (Especialy escape!) like my pancakes!

                        @OneBun - *Gives his favorite Bunerator a nice warm *
                        How are you doing?

                        @Jenni - Hi jenni!
                        *While still hugging da bunerator, he runs to da Jenni to give her a nice warm too* How are you doing? \

                        @Electro' scientist - Yep! I will take a break too!
                        *Gives da Electro' a nice, warm, *
                        How's the weather in Guernsey?


                        • Originally posted by Adventure
                          @Theme, yeah you said that also last time. But it's very good to see you again. So what are you all doing? Or is that private?

                          @OneBunny!!! How is my favourite online bunny doing? Beside busy with mod duties.
                          I recall nothing of the sort.

                          Well, it's about high time I return to my online family, so this time it's true. And no it's not private, like I think I said before I just decided to devote more time to my game programming and so I have...well more than usual at least.
                          Intelligent Supporter, Unimportant Sir ThemePark, Advanced Intelligence Robot & Son

                          We take care of all your robot needs.
                          - If your harddrive crashes?

                          Call Backup.
                          Or see Upstairs.

                          - If you need to get something copied?

                          Go see Neko, the copycat.


                          • Hi jenni!

                            I'm great Adventure & wirodeu! Thanks for asking & thanks for the nice hugs
                            Originally posted by Adventure
                            So what are you all doing? Or is that private?
                            LOL most everything I do should remain private, cuz if it didn't keep it that way, then ya all would really think I'm even more....
                            Seeking Where My Alien & Mysterious Sis Has gone???
                            Looney GHer!


                            • hello !
                              twin - im fine thanks

                              wirodeu - im fine you?

                              onebun - hello !

                              "Whoever said money can't buy happiness
                              simply didn't know where to go shopping."


                              • @Onebun - I'm glad ya doing great!
                                Do you like pancakes? With hot cherries? And whipped cream!
                                I can make it for ya!

                                @Jenni - I am doing great!
                                I think ya twin will be on pretty soon!
                                Hows the weather in Scotland?

