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Chit Chat 3

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  • @Jack, fortunately we don't have hurricanes or floods here. But we had in the nineties several dikes broke through in the south of the Netherlands and many people had to evacutate their homes. My favourite season is spring.

    @Jenni, welcome back.

    @Escape, I am sorry to hear, amiga. Still I hope things will work out. It is not much, but here is a warm caring hug especially for you.

    @Mistery, is it still too cold in Switserland?
    Faily of Kzin



    • hey again adventure

      "Whoever said money can't buy happiness
      simply didn't know where to go shopping."


      • Goodnight Becky. I hope you sleep well and have some beautiful dreams. Many warm caring hugs for you, dear.

        Hi OneBun. Good to see you. How are you doing?
        Faily of Kzin



        • Hey OneBun! Good to see you.

          @ Adventure...Thank you for your hug. I really appreciate it.


          • Hi OneBun, great to see so many people here

            No, it's changing all the time - hot day, cool day etc. But it's okay


            • Originally posted by Mistery
              I've heard that too many times from my own kids, so it doesn't impress me much
              Your kids are more or less the same age, the difference of age between Jenni and her sis is way bigger. I actually can understand how it works. And it's not really a lil kids discussion "It's MY candy!" (even though the candy belongs to the sibling), things are a bit different
              Arguments between 10 year old kids isn't the same as an argument between a 15 and a 20 (?) With your kids the discussion stops at the moment, and 5 minutes later they're probably playing together all happy. Now with a discussion with a teenager and an older person can get ugly, and isn't the kind of thing that will fade away so easily. I remember some times that me and my brother had been mad at each other for over a week because of it - not directly because of who gets to stay on the computer, but because of the things that are said towards each other. It's very different, as you can see.
              I remember my arguments between me and my brother when I was young, and I compare them with the discussions I have nowadays... Not the same.
              Going on a trip around the universe on a convertible


              • @ jenni~ I am too.

                @ Adventure ~ I'm very tired. I don't think I'm getting much done tonight. Work did my head in.

                @ Escape ~ Hi! How's the boss treating you?

                @ Mistery ~ Hi. Yeah lets see how many typos I do with me mind being so....
                Seeking Where My Alien & Mysterious Sis Has gone???
                Looney GHer!


                • im so bored
                  Its not illegal unless you get caught


                  • nadine! you hit the nail on the head! yeah things can get VERY ugly in our arguments, not fun
                    hi btw

                    onebun -

                    hey fuzzie56

                    "Whoever said money can't buy happiness
                    simply didn't know where to go shopping."


                    • @OneBun.... The monkey boss has been in Alaska for 2 weeks. YAY! And the non monkey boss has been good. You've been working really hard lately!! Poor you.

                      @ Fuzzie....Nice to meet ya! How are you?


                      • Sorry, I just made a joke with Jenni. Won't make any jokes in future.


                        • Originally posted by EscapeGirl
                          @OneBun.... The monkey boss has been in Alaska for 2 weeks. YAY! And the non monkey boss has been good. You've been working really hard lately!! Poor you...
                          That's good to hear that you have a break. Yeah, my job is quite hectic right now. There is so much happening there. It is a very new place (7 months old) & is preparing to build a huge new building in the near future.... I smell promotion with a growing company. It's why I signed up. I'm hoping my efforts now will mean a better position later.

                          LOL I don't mind anyway. I sleep great now.
                          Seeking Where My Alien & Mysterious Sis Has gone???
                          Looney GHer!


                          • Hi Nadine. Wow, that is long ago we were at the same time in chit chat. How are you doing, dear? Btw I think you took what Mistery said more serious then she intended. But I understand what you mean. Although I haven't brothers or sister myself.

                            @OneBun, then just relax ans enjoy your stay here. Btw I am very tired too. I was actually only logging in to update myself quickly, but then I saw Becky was online. Not sure how long I manage to stay awake.

                            Hi fuzzie, welcome to chit chat.

                            @Mistery, I hope you don't mean that you don't make any more jokes in the future.
                            Faily of Kzin



                            • Originally posted by Adventure
                              Hi Nadine. Wow, that is long ago we were at the same time in chit chat. How are you doing, dear? Btw I think you took what Mistery said more serious then she intended.

                              @OneBun, then just relax ans enjoy your stay here. Btw I am very tired too. I was actually only logging in to update myself quickly, but then I saw Becky was online. Not sure how long I manage to stay awake.

                              Hi fuzzie, welcome to chit chat.
                              I do that too. I take little naps sometimes & then think to myself... now what was I doing? It's sad, this getting old stuff.

                              Hi fuzzie. I hope we can help you not to be so bored. There can be losts of fun things to do here.
                              Seeking Where My Alien & Mysterious Sis Has gone???
                              Looney GHer!


                              • @OneBun....Ooh!! Promotions are GOOD things! I'm sure your hard work won't go un-noticed in a growing company. THAT'S a smart move on your part.

                                @ All..It's time for me to get going, too. I'm very tired, and have some things to do before heading home for a much needed nap. (I sound old, too. ) Talk to you all later. I hope we can all meet in the chat again sometime soon.

