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Chit Chat 3

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  • @shining was great! ME N MY NEIGHBOURS had a dvd night in with a few beers but we didnt end up watchin d dvd but just chatted away! was fun!

    @iva stephen took d laptop off me when i was on level 6 so im still on level 6 hehehe workin on it now
    Best Riddling Buddies Ever: Vivi,Archaicdome,ShiningStar,Monkey,BizzaroChick,
    Teodd and of course Hunter


    • @shining
      I'm craving for some candy...

      I do need you on 7!!

      As usual

      Has anyone heard from Becky?

      GHFGNP with SimplyCrazy aka Gekkie

      Fly by the seat of your pants



      • im on 7 now...but im also in d midst of pimpim up my profile in nordinho so havent looked at 7 yet :p but im on it now with the gecko lizard thingy
        Best Riddling Buddies Ever: Vivi,Archaicdome,ShiningStar,Monkey,BizzaroChick,
        Teodd and of course Hunter


        • Sorry bout that, got kicked out, and couldn't log in anymore
          Then I saw this line: 'If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.'
          And I was afraid I was on a time out or worse...

          I've found something on 7, but it doesn't get me any further... Anyways, it's kinda off topic here, so lets move to the elementalforum here or on nordinho

          GHFGNP with SimplyCrazy aka Gekkie

          Fly by the seat of your pants



          • ok lets go to nordinho sonce im already on the forum there
            what did u find tho i cant find anythin
            Best Riddling Buddies Ever: Vivi,Archaicdome,ShiningStar,Monkey,BizzaroChick,
            Teodd and of course Hunter


            • Dear da Shining, I had no idea shopping is so popular out there in space I suppose ya need glitter ta keep da twinkle goin' huh?

              I have no idea whaz you are on about. Ya'll riddle talk huh?

              STILL struddling


              PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


              • @sumi
                pmed you!

                yeah, sorry Doing 3 riddles at the same time so if I get stuck on one, I can continue on the next one Currently stuck on all three
                Are u just busy with GH, or also reallife thingy's

                GHFGNP with SimplyCrazy aka Gekkie

                Fly by the seat of your pants



                • YooooHoooo


                  • teeeeeooddddd

                    @lilli yes riddle talk but we shall stop now hehhehehe i lost my pink wig...have u seen it

                    @iva cheers for the pm honey! what will i do without ya
                    Best Riddling Buddies Ever: Vivi,Archaicdome,ShiningStar,Monkey,BizzaroChick,
                    Teodd and of course Hunter


                    • Hi babe How's everyone today?


                      • im ok...had a a dvd night in which turned out to just gettin drunk night in
                        how was ur weeekend
                        Best Riddling Buddies Ever: Vivi,Archaicdome,ShiningStar,Monkey,BizzaroChick,
                        Teodd and of course Hunter


                        • Teeeeooodddd!! How are ya? Having a nice work-free sunday

                          anytime, now, what to do next

                          GHFGNP with SimplyCrazy aka Gekkie

                          Fly by the seat of your pants



                          • Well yeah I guess since I just woke up The weekend has been good, we were pretty busy because of the holiday weekend, also hung out with some people last night and didn't go to bed til 5am


                            • well d letters dont make any sense does it i have pmed a friend on nordinho and as soon as she gets back to me ill pm u

                              @teeeod sounds exactly like what i did!
                              Best Riddling Buddies Ever: Vivi,Archaicdome,ShiningStar,Monkey,BizzaroChick,
                              Teodd and of course Hunter


                              • Yeah it was fun, it was way too crowded to go out this weekend. Too many tourists out so I've been keeping it kinda low-key

                                Sorry I couldn't come on yesterday, I got off Friday night and went out, then came home and stayed up til 6am I actually came on at 6am and you two were on, but I knew if I started chatting I wouldn't go to bed til late or fall asleep at the computer

