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Chit Chat 3

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  • @Escape.. It's been a very quiet hurricane season (ominous music plays) maybe tooooooo quiet We've been very lucky I know that we are due at some point in the next year or two though.


    • Jenni
      I..uhm...I can't remember that
      Ninjas have more fun
      I'm the Ninja of the Looney Bin
      Online Family:
      Brothers:...........Wirodeu and Bread


      • @ Rannei...not to be rood (sp?) but how old are you ? tis where you shoose what subjects to take next year ... ? adn i remeber the kissing...we were jokingaround then jenni was takingthe mick out of hitman ..... and someone said ..." twould be funny if he logged on " and BAM he did ...that was so wierd...

        @ Teeodd.....tumbleweed....

        @All...fuuny how you all stick as a group ...we all love you back etc...:d makes me warm inside
        Becky....The Candle of Hope

        Proud Psychic and Crazy Person

        Proud Member of the Brimful-Asha and Jenni Pyschic Team !
        Hopefully soon to be a Member of The Riddling Gang !

        I am the GH Elementor. Controller of the four elements.

        Fire - Attack, Srength
        Air -Flight, Speed
        Earth - Protect , Defense
        Water - Freeze, Accuracy
        Beware of The Fifth Element


        • rannei - well i remember it VERY well ()

          "Whoever said money can't buy happiness
          simply didn't know where to go shopping."


          • Crazy I have to object, that's not tumbleweed That's wit at its finest I could always go into a dramatic monologue about the pros and cons of Marxism and it's effect on Western Civilization and that would be Tumbleweed.

            And with that I just killed the chat


            • Crazy
              I'm soon 14. I don't think I have to pick subject before...I dont know..

              Ninjas have more fun
              I'm the Ninja of the Looney Bin
              Online Family:
              Brothers:...........Wirodeu and Bread


              • @Teeodd.....*yawn*.....where do you get this an encylopedia or need a social life
                Becky....The Candle of Hope

                Proud Psychic and Crazy Person

                Proud Member of the Brimful-Asha and Jenni Pyschic Team !
                Hopefully soon to be a Member of The Riddling Gang !

                I am the GH Elementor. Controller of the four elements.

                Fire - Attack, Srength
                Air -Flight, Speed
                Earth - Protect , Defense
                Water - Freeze, Accuracy
                Beware of The Fifth Element


                • @ Crazy......Glad you're all warm and fuzzy. How old are ya, btw?

                  I think Teeodd is just a smart guy. I'm quite sure he has a very busy social life.

                  @ Teeodd....LOL...ominous music! I've been chatting with Darknight (though he can't come to GH anymore. ) and he lives in Florida. He says the same thing about the hurricanes. Except he's anxious for one. Says he has hurricane parties!

                  @ Jenni....ROFL! Yeah, you definitely are.

                  @ Iva...Aww..thank you dear! You're da best. But, no, nothing you can do to help. But thanks for da hugs

                  Well, I just thought I should just relax. So I rented the latest season of one of my guilty pleasure t.v. shows. (I'm in class normally when the episodes are on TV.) Desperate Housewives. It cracks me up!


                  • Crazy it's called college. And when you eventually go there you will know the true meaning of "social life"

                    @Escape.. We always had those parties too! I would always get called into work though because for some reason our restaurant was always one of the first places to get power back because it was on the same system as the hospital. We did have our fun though


                    • escape - nothing wrong with that right ?

                      anyway i have to go now thank's everyone for cheering me up a little you guys are the best for everyone

                      "Whoever said money can't buy happiness
                      simply didn't know where to go shopping."


                      • Nope.

                        Bye dear Jenni!!! Maybe tomorrow I can find a way to make you ROFL or LOL! Goodnight hun!


                        • Jenni
                          Nooo! dont leave us!! aww, well... bye biiiig
                          Ninjas have more fun
                          I'm the Ninja of the Looney Bin
                          Online Family:
                          Brothers:...........Wirodeu and Bread


                          • @Teeodd...College Pah i go from my secondary school to uni smart ya see.....I DEMAN AN IQ TEST MATCH ALL INVOLVED

                            @EG Im 14 lol ok social + tumbeweed =Teeodd in a cowboy hat

                            @Jenni you
                            Becky....The Candle of Hope

                            Proud Psychic and Crazy Person

                            Proud Member of the Brimful-Asha and Jenni Pyschic Team !
                            Hopefully soon to be a Member of The Riddling Gang !

                            I am the GH Elementor. Controller of the four elements.

                            Fire - Attack, Srength
                            Air -Flight, Speed
                            Earth - Protect , Defense
                            Water - Freeze, Accuracy
                            Beware of The Fifth Element


                            • See ya later Jenni, have a good night

                              @Crazy.. Anytime my friend How quickly you forget about all the help you received on your first riddle.


                              • @crazy
                                Ooopsy, sorry... missed that one... We love you too!

                                Well, I for one think that smart talk is really sexy!


                                Bye sweetie! Have a good night and see you tomorrow!

                                GHFGNP with SimplyCrazy aka Gekkie

                                Fly by the seat of your pants


