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Chit Chat 3

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  • @Suapae.....Hehe...Well, you'll beat it soon. Then you'll probably start ANOTHER riddle. Of course, I recommend Escape Games. Hehe. So how are ya?


    • suapae - yeah im da jenni

      ESCAPEEEEEEEEE i got distracted sorry
      im fine thanks
      how are you?

      "Whoever said money can't buy happiness
      simply didn't know where to go shopping."


      • well i love escape games... and i like hapland... stuck on no.3 though...

        nothing bad about being small, huh?!



        • Well... I .... SUAPAE!!! Happy ta see ya Whaz you doin' in here?

          STILL struddling


          PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


          • lilli your back

            "Whoever said money can't buy happiness
            simply didn't know where to go shopping."


            • little baby on the search for its,as i said i would give it a visit... and i like it here... very cosy... but i urgently need my mommy to pm me back

              EDIT: argh... i dont have much time left... promised to visit a good friend tonight... hurry! (sometimes i hate to leave the house)

              nothing bad about being small, huh?!

              LILLIs BABY-GIRL


              • glad you like it here

                "Whoever said money can't buy happiness
                simply didn't know where to go shopping."


                • Da mama PM:d da *Feels very proud* So happy you like it here, suapae.

                  I just keep gettin' distracted Where is that chattin' robot anyway?

                  DA EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPE *Gives da Escape a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge warm * Uhm... guess what? There might be a stork comin' my way

                  STILL struddling


                  PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


                  • lilli - you going to have another child? ()
                    ohh the robot...has anyone done anything to it while i was away ?

                    "Whoever said money can't buy happiness
                    simply didn't know where to go shopping."


                    • @ Suapae....I like the Hapland series, too! Very fun!! But I have NEVER passed one without needing a walkthrough.

                      @ Jenni....I'm doin' better. I saw you had a brief bit of sun? How was it? Were ya scared? I know you haven't seen it in awhile. Maybe you forgot what it looked like.

                      @ Mom.....MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!*gives da mom a huuuuuuuuuuuuge, warm * A stork? Uh-oh....


                      • damn... i really have to get off now... but i'll be back as soon as possible... wish you nice chatting (<-can you say that? whatever...)

                        see you soon

                        nothing bad about being small, huh?!

                        LILLIs BABY-GIRL


                        • escape - yeah i got a fright! hahaha
                          i was like...umm mum whats that?
                          i think my mum forgot what it was aswell but it was nice wasnt out was nice
                          its not out today though

                          bye suapae

                          "Whoever said money can't buy happiness
                          simply didn't know where to go shopping."


                          • Bye Suapae... And ya. You can say "chatting." Hope to see ya later! And we like having ya here!

                            @ Jenni....LOL. Almost like a vampire, huh? Poor you. I hope you get that summer weather you love again soon.


                            • escape - yeah i hope so to fingers and.....paws crossed
                              but i have a feeling i wont be getting a tan this year

                              "Whoever said money can't buy happiness
                              simply didn't know where to go shopping."


                              • Originally posted by EscapeGirl
                                @ Mom.....MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!*gives da mom a huuuuuuuuuuuuge, warm * A stork? Uh-oh....
                                Well uh... ya see... who knew my long lost hubby would leave an egg for me ta hatch at this UNYOUNG age?

                                Aww... come back soon sweetie

                                Well, it's not really my fault. You see... err... what I mean to say is... uhm... why you lookin' at me like that?

                                I dunno. Maybe leavin' a chatter robot with majikyl powers on it's own in da lab was a bad idea... whaz ya think?

                                STILL struddling


                                PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!

