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Chit Chat 3

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  • why is crazy saying you can't

    what happens when you go to the loo then? you cant wash your hands ?

    "Whoever said money can't buy happiness
    simply didn't know where to go shopping."


    • @Jenni....kinda...well...yeah we are.. i take it back ...;t=000300;p=1? can get electrocuted if you put wet hands on a plug socket.. ! which no-one is stupid enough to...*looks at jenni* ..never mind...
      Becky....The Candle of Hope

      Proud Psychic and Crazy Person

      Proud Member of the Brimful-Asha and Jenni Pyschic Team !
      Hopefully soon to be a Member of The Riddling Gang !

      I am the GH Elementor. Controller of the four elements.

      Fire - Attack, Srength
      Air -Flight, Speed
      Earth - Protect , Defense
      Water - Freeze, Accuracy
      Beware of The Fifth Element


      • teeodd says you can

        "Whoever said money can't buy happiness
        simply didn't know where to go shopping."


        • Jenni
          Haha! thats sounds very inteligent ()
          Ninjas have more fun
          I'm the Ninja of the Looney Bin
          Online Family:
          Brothers:...........Wirodeu and Bread


          • crazy ohh you just DIDNT say that
            'course im not THAT stupid

            "Whoever said money can't buy happiness
            simply didn't know where to go shopping."


            • I'm being serious you can get electrocuted. One of my roommates' dad was electrocuted while filling up the coffee pot to make coffee.


              • im checking it on GOOGLE

                teeodd is right you can

                "Whoever said money can't buy happiness
                simply didn't know where to go shopping."


                • quote:
                  When inside avoid the following:
                  Use of the telephone (cellular and cordless telephone use is safe)
                  taking a shower or bath
                  washing your hands
                  doing dishes
                  (basically anything to do with water)
                  any contact with conductive surfaces with exposure to the outside such as metal door or window frames, electrical wiring, telephone wiring, cable TV wiring, plumbing, etc.
                  using electrical appliances that plug into the wall
                  being near windows and doors in general

                  lol to jenni day you will and youll think god damnit he was right really CAN get electrocuted this way !!!
                  Becky....The Candle of Hope

                  Proud Psychic and Crazy Person

                  Proud Member of the Brimful-Asha and Jenni Pyschic Team !
                  Hopefully soon to be a Member of The Riddling Gang !

                  I am the GH Elementor. Controller of the four elements.

                  Fire - Attack, Srength
                  Air -Flight, Speed
                  Earth - Protect , Defense
                  Water - Freeze, Accuracy
                  Beware of The Fifth Element


                  • QUOTE :
                    "Yes, you can be electrocuted in the shower or while on the phone if a lightning bolt strikes your house. "

                    "Whoever said money can't buy happiness
                    simply didn't know where to go shopping."


                    • Quote:
                      3. Lightning stuck a house in OK City about five years ago and blew the toilet out of the floor, among other things. And my husband wonders why I'm afraid to go potty during a T-storm! When I just can't wait any longer and have to go, I always tell him if I end up dead with my bare bottom exposed to the world to please cover it up before he calls for help.
                      Becky....The Candle of Hope

                      Proud Psychic and Crazy Person

                      Proud Member of the Brimful-Asha and Jenni Pyschic Team !
                      Hopefully soon to be a Member of The Riddling Gang !

                      I am the GH Elementor. Controller of the four elements.

                      Fire - Attack, Srength
                      Air -Flight, Speed
                      Earth - Protect , Defense
                      Water - Freeze, Accuracy
                      Beware of The Fifth Element


                      • Ok Ok that's enough with the lightning jeez I was just making conversation and all of a sudden there are safety tips on the thread

                        If any of you have ever seen the show they actually did some of this stuff on mythbusters


                        • crazy - you said that you COULDN'T *feels confused*

                          teeodd!!!! ROFLLLLL
                          i like mythbusters

                          "Whoever said money can't buy happiness
                          simply didn't know where to go shopping."


                          • I took it back .. *points up*

                            Teeodd this is your fault Ok lets make conversation about ...Charleys out of BB !!! YAY!!!
                            Have seen many mythbusters episode ... its freakin awesome !!!!!
                            Last edited by lili; 08-15-2007, 07:33:37. Reason: merged posts
                            Becky....The Candle of Hope

                            Proud Psychic and Crazy Person

                            Proud Member of the Brimful-Asha and Jenni Pyschic Team !
                            Hopefully soon to be a Member of The Riddling Gang !

                            I am the GH Elementor. Controller of the four elements.

                            Fire - Attack, Srength
                            Air -Flight, Speed
                            Earth - Protect , Defense
                            Water - Freeze, Accuracy
                            Beware of The Fifth Element


                            • so your admitting you called me stupid and you were wrong?

                              lets not have a debate...1 girl against 2 boys....

                              "Whoever said money can't buy happiness
                              simply didn't know where to go shopping."


                              • i was wrong but i didnt call you stupid.........I called you VERY stupid !!!! j/k
                                Becky....The Candle of Hope

                                Proud Psychic and Crazy Person

                                Proud Member of the Brimful-Asha and Jenni Pyschic Team !
                                Hopefully soon to be a Member of The Riddling Gang !

                                I am the GH Elementor. Controller of the four elements.

                                Fire - Attack, Srength
                                Air -Flight, Speed
                                Earth - Protect , Defense
                                Water - Freeze, Accuracy
                                Beware of The Fifth Element

