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Chit Chat 3

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  • Hi sum1! How're you?? And we're talking about the Pirates of Carribian 3, but I'm the only one who saw it.

    pffft, I as well woke up late today... It was about noon.. Getting ready for the dress is fun, isn't it?? I'm invited to a wedding celemony of my friend in September and I'm wondering what kind of dress I should wear from now!!

    Yep, the chair is covered with fake leather, and all massages make the blood circulation better and make the body hot. I always end up sleeping on the floor in Summer..


    • Well, I'm off to bed. I should get some sleep.

      @Lili...Have a nice evening, and I hope I can chat with you soon.

      EDIT: Well, it's rather frustrating about the dress situation, because I'm kinda broke right now. But, otherwise, yes, it's all very exciting, and I am thrilled for my friend.

      Ya, I don't do well in summer heat either. I'd never sit in the massage chair if it made me hot then. On the floor with a fan on high.

      @ Jack...Have a great morning, and I'll talk with you later.

      @ Sum1....Good luck with that program, and have a great day.

      Night all!


      • @lilli not the only one i saw it too anyway what were you talking about someone coming to your country ?

        edit:bye escape come back soon
        i am.....

        bat cat mateys: george147, escapegirl, darknight ,
        mystery, Becky, onebun, lilliput , lili, jenni, electrogirl, mitty and doglover!jcatlz101 if youwant to be my matey just talk to me

        oh and....
        my best riddle: to finish: no one yet!


        • Sum1 what program are you trying to run? or are you writing your own?

          Ciao Escape. Have a good morning.


          • @jack im trying to run adobe CS3 my family know javascript so they do that but none of the subfolders work...what should i do???? i have windows XP has that got anything to do with it
            i am.....

            bat cat mateys: george147, escapegirl, darknight ,
            mystery, Becky, onebun, lilliput , lili, jenni, electrogirl, mitty and doglover!jcatlz101 if youwant to be my matey just talk to me

            oh and....
            my best riddle: to finish: no one yet!


            • Escape, Have sound sleep and wonderful dreams!! I'm happy I could have chance to chat with you this weekend!

              And don't fall asleep in the massage chair especially in Summer if you have any chance!!

              jack and sum1,
              I gotta leave to do some errands in the house. Have a wonderful time!! I hope to see you soon!

              sum1, we were not talking about someone but a movie that may/may not come to my country...


              • bye lili enjoy your day

                @jack so what ya been up to??
                i am.....

                bat cat mateys: george147, escapegirl, darknight ,
                mystery, Becky, onebun, lilliput , lili, jenni, electrogirl, mitty and doglover!jcatlz101 if youwant to be my matey just talk to me

                oh and....
                my best riddle: to finish: no one yet!


                • I have honestly never used Creative Suite before, so I'm not sure I can help with that one.

                  OMG Voltron is on Cartoon Network.I didn't know they still had that on.

                  It's going on 6 am here so I better head to bed. Have a good day everyone. Talk to you later.


                  • lol! yeah they just put it on from a long time lol

                    edit: got to go for about an hour or two... helping my uncle for some money *raises eyebrow repeatedly* lol
                    i am.....

                    bat cat mateys: george147, escapegirl, darknight ,
                    mystery, Becky, onebun, lilliput , lili, jenni, electrogirl, mitty and doglover!jcatlz101 if youwant to be my matey just talk to me

                    oh and....
                    my best riddle: to finish: no one yet!


                    • Nobunny here, huh? *Starts ta sing*
                      how did I get so alooooooney
                      I am feelin' soooorta mooody
                      Where is everybunny nooooooowz?"

                      STILL struddling


                      PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


                      • I'm here! *covers ears* NO REASON TO SING!

                        Erh, hi guys! Long time no see

                        SnoedaIva is my GHFGNP Ik mis jou

                        *Crash* is the name of my cpu

                        Divorcee of Hitman, and the #1 GH-night owl

                        Insecurity is my worst enemy


                        • *Stops singing cuz of some strange noise and...*... DA HJؤRTAT!! Me glad ta see you How are you?

                          STILL struddling


                          PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


                          • Hey, I'm goodiegood How are you?

                            Did you read about my strange meeting? xD

                            Erh, hi guys! Long time no see

                            SnoedaIva is my GHFGNP Ik mis jou

                            *Crash* is the name of my cpu

                            Divorcee of Hitman, and the #1 GH-night owl

                            Insecurity is my worst enemy


                            • Me is fine. Uhm meeting? Strange? Whaz ya mean?

                              STILL struddling


                              PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


                              • Post 4312

                                Erh, hi guys! Long time no see

                                SnoedaIva is my GHFGNP Ik mis jou

                                *Crash* is the name of my cpu

                                Divorcee of Hitman, and the #1 GH-night owl

                                Insecurity is my worst enemy

