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Chit Chat 3

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  • @both jeeez just when i thought i found the one! i didnt even notice d moustache
    *off to put on the next one*
    u guys should pay me for this slide show hahahhahaa
    ok tell me bout this next one
    think it might be d last
    Best Riddling Buddies Ever: Vivi,Archaicdome,ShiningStar,Monkey,BizzaroChick,
    Teodd and of course Hunter


    • slide show

      okay *waits for next green fairy with moustache and maybe a kilt*

      "Whoever said money can't buy happiness
      simply didn't know where to go shopping."


      • hmmm actually i havent found d next yet hang on
        *continues the search*
        hope u guys remember each one to tell me which is d best like! dunno if i can be arsed puttin them one by one again
        hahahhahaaha green fary with a moustache and kilt why iva u have just given me an idea for a search term!
        Best Riddling Buddies Ever: Vivi,Archaicdome,ShiningStar,Monkey,BizzaroChick,
        Teodd and of course Hunter


        • Originally posted by Brimful-Asha

          @lilli they r all green fairies thank u very much! n methinks ur med made me d green fairy now
          No kiddin'? All green huh? Imagine that

          Thank you

          YES! Kilt for da Lilli ...

          STILL struddling


          PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


          • @sumi
            heheh, well I;d like to take credit for that, but thet the flirty smoochy teasy monster will come and get me

            what about this one (a nice link to the green fairy btw )

            GHFGNP with SimplyCrazy aka Gekkie

            Fly by the seat of your pants



            • wasnt iva it was jenni

              edit : LOL iva yes i will come and get ya

              lilli - one kilt for lilli please and a towel to wipe her chin

              EDIT 2 : iva i seen that one on google and was gonna put it in

              "Whoever said money can't buy happiness
              simply didn't know where to go shopping."


              • oh oooops sorry honey! i thought it was iva! i was too engross in the search! sorry wee wain *gives u all credit*

                @iva ill just take back that credit then eh

                @lilli my sarcasm detector is goin off like crazy!
                Best Riddling Buddies Ever: Vivi,Archaicdome,ShiningStar,Monkey,BizzaroChick,
                Teodd and of course Hunter


                • Originally posted by Iva
                  heheh, well I;d like to take credit for that, but thet the flirty smoochy teasy monster will come and get me

                  what about this one (a nice link to the green fairy btw )
                  Now see, this is what I mean. How is it possible NOT ta like a cute dude like that?
                  Thank you, Iva

                  The order just flew in

                  Well... I dunno what ya mean

                  STILL struddling


                  PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


                  • *likes all the credit* btw is it a credit CARD ?

                    lilli - *hands lilli the towel to wipe her chin*

                    "Whoever said money can't buy happiness
                    simply didn't know where to go shopping."


                    • *Wonders why da Jenni is handing her a towel but thinks it impolite to reject* Thank you! *Wipes feet*

                      STILL struddling


                      PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


                      • ok girls this is the last one! after tell me which one was the best if u can remember

                        @lilli im sure u dont

                        :jennii u wish! even i dont have my own credit card maybe a ee wain card ?
                        Best Riddling Buddies Ever: Vivi,Archaicdome,ShiningStar,Monkey,BizzaroChick,
                        Teodd and of course Hunter


                        • no not for your feet *points to saliva on lilli's chin due to the kilts* umm...for your chin

                          sumitra - i still say the one from yesterday
                          a wee wain card sounds good for me

                          "Whoever said money can't buy happiness
                          simply didn't know where to go shopping."


                          • You did it again lilli!!!

                            can't I get a little credit back for that awesom picture of a guy in a skirt er.... kilt that happens to be starring in the moulin rouge that happens to be a film with the green fairy? pretty please with sugar on top?

                            Your very first!!! Or the one on nordinho, like that one too!

                            GHFGNP with SimplyCrazy aka Gekkie

                            Fly by the seat of your pants



                            • *Wipes chin with back of hand* There! A little moist maybe but we 85 year olds need it ta keep da skin lookin' good

                              Thank you

                              Ah... I though so

                              STILL struddling


                              PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


                              • *hands jennii her wee wain card* theres no limit on it! spend wisely
                                Best Riddling Buddies Ever: Vivi,Archaicdome,ShiningStar,Monkey,BizzaroChick,
                                Teodd and of course Hunter

