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Chit Chat 3
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Carefull it won't collapse under the weight of all those smoochers
How are you planning on hadeling me? Huh?
I just have very high standards cloth-wiseI have a few favourite shops and actually, can't afford going there more than twice a year
allright, except for catching the GH virus that's going around
The candle of hope is burning still
For our GamersHood friends in need
Light the way and intensify their will
To keep their faith and not concede
The spirit of Christmas and Hanukkah
Will strengthen the candles' power
Helping Mistery, Sandbox and Rebecca
To make it through and conquer
GHFGNP with SimplyCrazy aka Gekkie
Fly by the seat of your pants
Iva, got my ways.First, I'll go panda style.
Jenny, LOLIt's Tony, remember.
Happy endings are just unfinished stories...
Elite member of the Looney Bin with ex wife "SimplyCrazy" and on-line kids "Wirodeu, Bread...and Rannei"
@jennni aye yeh canny beat that! wee wain card is priceless! and can only be issued to u by medont abuse it tho!
yea i cannot understand these girls who hate shoppin *evil eyes at iva *sigpicBest Riddling Buddies Ever: Vivi,Archaicdome,ShiningStar,Monkey,BizzaroChick,
Teodd and of course Hunter
You know who you are, Always your 3 way friend
:dogfoot:MY ONLINE FAMILY::dogfoot:
HUBBY: party 4 ever:hug:
Proud MOM of: sweet grafitti ~virgo~:sla:,angel suzy:inc:,sparkling rose zillah0625:rose:,the diggin`themolestarted ;)
BROTHER in-law: Yorick:yayfox:
SISTERS in-law: dia :happyflower: and Mcakkay:happyflower:
:yaya:Please help my little dragon eggs hatch! :yaya:
*ignores evil eye that is just a twitching eye* Well, just more bargain hunting for you!
I don't accuse anyone, I just notice things...
Pandastyle can't touch me, I'll just tickle you till you ROFL
No a real illness, the flew that seems to attack a lot of GH members
The candle of hope is burning still
For our GamersHood friends in need
Light the way and intensify their will
To keep their faith and not concede
The spirit of Christmas and Hanukkah
Will strengthen the candles' power
Helping Mistery, Sandbox and Rebecca
To make it through and conquer
GHFGNP with SimplyCrazy aka Gekkie
Fly by the seat of your pants
Originally posted by nefertiti@suzy,actually,when you said that i forgot to tell you that i`m a cheerleader
a cheerleader?Like this:
we have cheerleaders in our school!
I had a chance to become one but I was already signed up for da school orkestra(how is it in english- orkest1r
) and I couldn't!
actually...I don't know if I'm tonI or tonY
ohwe'll I got a special exersize!
Thank you Gamershood forum for teaching me proper English without realizing it.