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The Death Penalty

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  • The Death Penalty

    I thought that we should debate what I think and see as a hot topic. The death penalty.
    For those of you who don't know what this is: The death penalty, or capital punishment, is basicly when you put someone to death who has commited a serious crime like murder, certain forms of treason, terrorism etc. with a lethal injection. It causes their heart to stop and all of that.

    But, do you think that the death penalty should be legal?

    Personaly, I say yes. If someone went and killed my family, and other families, I would want to see that person put to death. Don't give him the luxury of getting to live his life to the fullest, even if it is in a prison.

    So what do you think?
    (post opinion and why)

    Please be respectful of people's personal opinions, whether you agree with them or not.
    Last edited by Guest; 08-08-2008, 19:29:48.

  • #2
    I also say yes
    Da pudding turtle fanatic
    Da PM spammers's fanatic

    I am the loony bin chip eater
    GFARDTO Chip eater
    ( )_( )

    R.I.P Kairi the guinea pig and Helena the rat
    Online family: Sister: Super_T.
    Brothers: Hugo_smith and awesomeman


    • #3
      I'm also looking for why.


      • #4
        I, personally, think it should be a different way of execution. I say, one where they suffer briefly before death, so they see what it feels like in the position of the victim and their family. I say, BRING THE GALLOWS AND GUILLOTINE OUT OF RETIREMENT. (no spellchecker on wii) The lethal injection kills quickly and painlessly. WHICH IS PROBABLY BETTER THAN LIFE IN JAIL!


        • #5
          Actually, I found out that the lethal injection also causes and intense pain before the person dies, but it also paralyzes them, so they can't scream.
          But the gallows and guillotine should be used now. Or maybe a firing squad.


          • #6
            some states still use a fiering squad
            So glad to be back.

            Low standards mean little work.


            • #7


              • #8
                yea i'm not sure wich, but i belive it is 2 states?...
                So glad to be back.

                Low standards mean little work.


                • #9
                  Also, one or two states use the gallows and gas chamber


                  • #10
                    Ok. Lets try to stay on topic.


                    • #11
                      I think it's fair for criminals as intense such as Suddam Hussein.


                      • #12
                        I think it should be legal, but restricted to those who've done reeaally bad things, with no room for improvement. Or if a victim can't ever have peace before they're dead.

                        Erh, hi guys! Long time no see

                        SnoedaIva is my GHFGNP Ik mis jou

                        *Crash* is the name of my cpu

                        Divorcee of Hitman, and the #1 GH-night owl

                        Insecurity is my worst enemy


                        • #13
                          I think it should not be a nice and easy death. Then, people won't commit crimes.. as much


                          • #14
                            I thought this over.....
                            If someone killed someone you loved, Would you really like Their family to go through what you went through?
                            Da pudding turtle fanatic
                            Da PM spammers's fanatic
                            THE ONE WHO LIVES IN PUDDING

                            I am the loony bin chip eater
                            GFARDTO Chip eater
                            WOO SITE!
                            ( )_( )

                            R.I.P Kairi the guinea pig and Helena the rat
                            Online family: Sister: Super_T.
                            Brothers: Hugo_smith and awesomeman


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by humphryboop View Post
                              I thought this over.....
                              If someone killed someone you loved, Would you really like Their family to go through what you went through?
                              That is a good question humphry.
                              Here's my answer.

                              I would like them to NOT side with their relative that has commited this evil lowlife crime like murder. And if they did side with them and make up some lame excuse, I would like them to lose that family member and experience first hand what it is like to lose a family member like that. If they want to side with a killer then they can go through that pain. I would like to see some justice. A killer is a killer, no less. In my opinion, they deserve to die.

