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Why doesn't my new posted thread appear?

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  • Why doesn't my new posted thread appear?

    they wont appear
    One of you will soon perish -Crono Trigger

  • #2
    Are you posting them in the New Games Section? According to the game posting rules. That's the only place they're allowed to be posted.
    Seeking Where My Alien & Mysterious Sis Has gone???
    Looney GHer!


    • #3
      Threads not appearing!

      Whenever I attempt to post a thread in the forums games section, it says it's redirecting me. But instead I'm sent to the Forum Games forum, and my thread is no where to be found!
      "Time, and time again, God has proved that he did not create us in his image, but rather scraped us off the heel of his shoe."
      - Lord Zing


      • #4
        did u put it in the new game section
        the only green fox
        hammer and crystal

        of the
        LOONEY BIN

        Wii came Wii conkerd
        1 year at Games-Hood

        the rat

        hi Cid
        the rat


        • #5
          No, I mean the Forum Games section, as in the 'Chain Word' kinda thing.
          "Time, and time again, God has proved that he did not create us in his image, but rather scraped us off the heel of his shoe."
          - Lord Zing


          • #6
            These questions are asked a great deal. It's not that you game is not submitted. There are a couple things you should know about posting any kind of game.

            1. All new games you submit must be added in the New Games Section only. Once GamersHood approves the game, it will be moved to the appropriate subforum.

            Here are the links to the rules about this:

            Before Submitting a Game

            Submitting Games In the New Game Section

            You will not see the games you submit unless you place them in the New Games Section.

            Games placed in the Forum Games section will also not appear until a moderator or administrator approves them. Sorry, but we have to do this because we receive a great deal of spam that we wish that you would never have to be bothered by.

            I hope this info helps.
            Seeking Where My Alien & Mysterious Sis Has gone???
            Looney GHer!


            • #7
              o that forum well it has to be seen by a mod first
              the only green fox
              hammer and crystal

              of the
              LOONEY BIN

              Wii came Wii conkerd
              1 year at Games-Hood

              the rat

              hi Cid
              the rat


              • #8
                hey guys why cant i post a thead?
                (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into
                (") (") your signature to help him gain world domination


                this is bob.

                place him in your signiture and you to will lead a happy life.

                ( )__( )
                ( 0_0 ) This Is Bear.Do Not Copy Him i Made
                (,,)_(,,) Him.Ask First i Might Say Yes.
                (['']) ([''])
                ><> fiiiiishy><>!!

                yo peepz post in my threads!!!


                • #9
                  You need to confirm your email first in order to become a fully registered member.
                  Check your emails (also look in the spam folder), and click on the link in the email that you have received from GamersHood Forums


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Mistery View Post
                    You need to confirm your email first in order to become a fully registered member.
                    Check your emails (also look in the spam folder), and click on the link in the email that you have received from GamersHood Forums
                    hey thanx i found it but i cant start threads their not showing up???
                    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into
                    (") (") your signature to help him gain world domination


                    this is bob.

                    place him in your signiture and you to will lead a happy life.

                    ( )__( )
                    ( 0_0 ) This Is Bear.Do Not Copy Him i Made
                    (,,)_(,,) Him.Ask First i Might Say Yes.
                    (['']) ([''])
                    ><> fiiiiishy><>!!

                    yo peepz post in my threads!!!


                    • #11
                      If you read the Rules:

                      you will see that new threads need to be approved by moderation in many parts of this forums before they show up This can take some time.

                      And your post has been moved to the appropriate thread:


                      • #12
                        Well look at the bottom right of the thread of this forum. theres something called Posting Rules. if you want to post a new thread, post on a thread, edit your post and put in attachments, you must first confirm you email by clicking on the link in the email that you have received from GamersHood Forums when you registered.

                        For the not appering one Administrators and Mods must confirm the thread BEFORE its putted in. they will PM you with questions or something else if theres something you did wrong or forgot to put in. when all troubles are ticked off then your thread will be on.

                        if i said something wrong or something then please tell me or mods edit it.
                        Last edited by Mistery; 06-02-2008, 13:20:20. Reason: Made a small correction :)
                        Never Spam Never Will.

                        Members of: Gamershood, Newgrounds, Kongregate, YouTube, JustinTV and Eddsworld

                        Im in the Looney Bin!

                        Me like the modeling!

                        Fan to Eddsworld
                        Go to Eddsworld Because Its Awesome!


                        • #13
                          Poblem with threads NOT GAMES!

                          Me too I have this problem! I post a eply o a thread and it never appear! Plz do not reply again "have you posted in the new games section?" If I post q reply to a specific topic it must appear there, not in new games! It seem they don't understand, my English isn't so good, but neither so bad. And for whst i read I understand perfectly that they are talking of threads not games. My actual case will make it clear: I want to post a reply about the game King Island so I click the button there. And yes I am fully registered. Why you ignore the threads people registered regularly try to post? It sound crazy to me! Or that is old and is closed? But if is a read only why to put the reply button yhen? Iss frustrating!


                          • #14
                            Hi UBA,
                            Yes, you are fully registered, I just checked.
                            And just as you have replied to this thread, you should also be able to post to other threads aswell, like Kings Island (
                            I'm not sure why it didn't work for you to post a reply there. I just tried and I could post a reply there (already deleted it).
                            Can you try again, and let us know if it doesn't work?


                            • #15
                              And if it doesn't work, please let us know if you get any error message, and what kind.
                              Faily of Kzin


