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Problems with Profile Picture

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  • Problems with Profile Picture

    I am not able to change my profile picture.

    My picture isn't too large, yet I am getting the message "Unable to save image".
    Last edited by Adventure; 11-25-2009, 22:07:24. Reason: wrote signature picture in post, but meant profile picture. :P
    Faily of Kzin


  • #2
    Hiya Adventure,

    Escape has just reported a similar issue with uploading an attachment, we're currently looking into it. Maybe these things are connected and have to do with the move of the servers that I've announced here. That's just a wild guess on my part though. We'll keep you updated as soon as we know more, thank you for your patience


    • #3
      Yes, I read the announcement. I hope it can be sorted out soon, whatever the cause is. Much success with it! I will be patient.
      Faily of Kzin



      • #4
        I get an error message, too, when I try to upload an attachment. It seems that no attachments, profile pics, photos etc. can be uploaded at the time being.
        I have informed GamersHood who will look into this problem, as I think it will involve server settings and such.

        The problem concerning uploading images should be fixed now. It was indeed a result of the server move.
        Please let us know if anything still doesn't work for you, or if you find any other "bugs", thank you


        • #5
          Uhm my post disappeared. And yes I am sure it was submitted, because i saw it at the forum index. (That was before the server went down).

          Anyway.. That was a quick Fix! Thank you very much Moderators and Admin.

          Before the server went down I successfully uploaded a new PP, but when I checked my profile after the forums were back online, it appears I don't have a visible PP. When I right click where it says "adventure profile picture" and choose "view image" I am directed to this page:

          I am not a game page.
          Last edited by Adventure; 11-25-2009, 23:35:10.
          Faily of Kzin



          • #6
            Oh, you're not a game page? Hmmm, okay, we'll have to change this info about you in our databases

            Sorry for the still ongoing issues with the PP, they will be taken care of asap


            • #7
              No worries. I just uploaded the pp again and it's fine now.
              I just wanted to report it in case there were other oddities with uploading picture.
              Faily of Kzin



              • #8
                Oh yes, I can see that great pic now
                Hmmm, might still have been from the forums down....
                Glad it works now


                • #9
                  Thanks for the compliment!

                  Yes, I think that's correct. I uploaded the picture just a minute before the forums went down.

                  BTW I think I now finally know why PPs are always a little reduced in their quality, also when they are not automatically re-sized. For some reason they are changed into a .gif picture when you upload a PP, however all my PPs are .jpeg images. Not sure if this can be the reason, but this would explain it to me. I wondered about it for a long time.
                  Faily of Kzin



                  • #10
                    It is a very nice picture

                    Hmmm, if I check its properties it says
                    BUT for filetype it says: JPEG image

                    And if I right click and want to save it, it saves as JPEG

                    That's server logics, you know?


                    • #11
                      Very logically indeed. I rather have alien logic instead, because that makes generally a lot more sense to me.

                      Maybe it's the browser that causes the quality reduction. I think I notice a small difference between IE and FF. It's certainly true for the fonts and frames for example. Oh well, it doesn't really matter.
                      Faily of Kzin



                      • #12
                        I am again unable to save the Profile Pic I wanted to upload.

                        Today I also added a new photo to my profile background album and that wasn't a problem.

                        Edit: creating albums and adding pictures isn't an issue for sure (just ran a test). I can't test attachments because I reached the limit.
                        Last edited by Adventure; 04-08-2010, 23:26:05.
                        Faily of Kzin



                        • #13
                          I'm sorry.

                          Do you want to email me the image and I will see if I can upload it for you? Or so I can try to find out the cause of the problem?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Adventure View Post
                            I am again unable to save the Profile Pic I wanted to upload.

                            Today I also added a new photo to my profile background album and that wasn't a problem.

                            Edit: creating albums and adding pictures isn't an issue for sure (just ran a test). I can't test attachments because I reached the limit.
                            Gonna do some testing to see whether it's just you or if there's a general problem.
                            If I can't fix it, I'll inform GamersHood who will surely fix it asap

                            I tested it and it should work.
                            Gonna take this to PMs


                            • #15
                              Thank you both for the fast response.

                              I hope it's going to be a small and simple fix.
                              Faily of Kzin


