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Email Notification

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  • Email Notification

    I have stopped recieveing email notification of new private messages......
    i have checked the address and it is correct...
    i have not changed any setting on gmail so i am at a loss to explain it
    can any one suggest a reason why is stopped ?


  • #2
    I am having the same problem. But this is not the first time that I suddenly didn't receive email notifications for new PMs anymore. I brought up the problem in general questions and this was the response of GamersHood:
    Originally posted by GamersHood
    But i have no idea about emails. Activations and subscriptions are the weak side of this forum, and there is nothing i can do at the moment. :´(
    Also I got a response of Doglover. She told me the same thing occurred to her a month before but that it was only temporally. And so was it for me: the problem solved itself after a week and I got email notifications again.

    If you like the read all the posts about it, check out page 13 & 14 of the thread General Questions, from post #127~132.
    Faily of Kzin



    • #3
      Thanks for the reply

      i will just wait and see then...

      sorry i did not see the thread you mentioned and started new one


      • #4
        No problem. I hope we soon get our email notifications again. And you don't have to apologize for creating a new thread. We didn't have a thread about this topic and how could you know this was brought up before in another thread? The title of the general questions thread doesn't reveal this. Since this particular issue about email notifications arise now and then, I think it's good to have a separate thread for it.
        Faily of Kzin



        • #5
          Okay, so you're not alone in this... I am having the same problem too
          I'm hoping the problem will go away soon
          Going on a trip around the universe on a convertible


          • #6
            Yes, we hope that GamersHood will be able to fix this problem.

            Please read this important forum announcement, thank you

            You'll be notified as soon as things work again normally.


            • #7
              Not sure if I'm posting this in the right place....but I received a bunch(as in 6) of email notifications that said I was requesting my if I had forgoten it, but I haven't....does that mean someone is trying to hack my screen name or something or should I just go about my business and not worry about it.


              • #8
                Ravensd, thank you for telling about it.
                We've been having problems with email notifications for a while, and have hoped that with the forum updgrade it can be fixed.
                The forum upgrade has been done today, and it seems - also from our tests - that there is still something wrong with it.
                We are about to do some tests, and hope that we can find the cause of the problems.
                Under these circumstances, I don't think that your email notifications have to do with any hacking issue, it's most probable that the email notification is being a bit crazy right now.
                I'd recommend you to just delete those emails for now.
                Btw, could it be that you've requested your password some time ago (e.g. this summer?).

                We're going to update you on news as soon as we got any.

                If you have any questions, see something suspicious, or are unsure about something, please don't hesitate to post here. Your observations might help us to find the cause. Thank you

                The email notifications seem to work again.


                • #9
                  Email Notifications Issues

                  At the moment there seems to be a problem with receiving email notifications for Private Messages. We are aware of it and have contacted the administrator about it. We hope the problem can be fixed soon and we please ask everyone to be patient about it. We can't guarantee the admin can fix this problem or how soon this can be fixed.

                  Additionally it could be that new members don't receive an email confirmation about their registration. This email is important because it contains a link to make you a full registered member. If you don't use this link you won't be able to post new threads or to edit or delete you own posts. If you didn't receive a email confirmation within 5 minutes after registration, please contact Eternal Becky, EscapeGirl, Mistery or Adventure about this. In that case we confirm you manually.

                  Further we noticed that with halt of receiving email notification we didn't receive any reported posts. If you reported any post lately and you noticed none of us moderators have taking care of it, know this is because we didn't receive the reported post. Please feel free to report posts by PM instead, until the problem has been fixed.

                  We hope these issues can be fixed soon or that the problem will resolve itself within a short term.

                  ~ The moderation team
                  Faily of Kzin



                  • #10
                    Email Notifications Issues

                    The problem has resolved itself.
                    Faily of Kzin



                    • #11
                      We are aware that there once again seems to be a problem with the email notification system, and are looking into the problem. Please be patient as we try to correct the problem. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.


                      • #12
                        We're sorry to tell you that until now GamersHood hasn't been able to resolve this problem.

                        Additionally we have noticed that sending emails to members through their profile isn't working currently either.

                        Therefore, please:
                        • Report bad post by PM to one of the active moderators with the link to that post.
                        • If you're a new member, PM to one of the moderators (Adventure, EscapeGirl, Eternal Becky, and Mistery are usually online on a daily basis) to approve your full membership manually.

                        We're sorry that these issues are still occuring, and thank you for your patience

                        We'll let you know if the problems can be resolved.


                        • #13
                          No, I guess that GamersHood will have to work together with his host to figure out why this is happening...


                          • #14
                            I am unable to add "Strongbull" as a [friend].
                            He [told] me to [check] my [E-Mail].
                            I did, but it did't help
                            There is no "Verify E-Mail" button on this site.
                            Why do you creatures have to make everything so difficult?
                            Strongbull told me about this site.
                            He is almost as odd as that Ratchet creature that humans named a tool after.


                            • #15
                              Problem should be solved now

                              Why we have to make everything so difficult? Because of spammers...

