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  • Originally posted by ThemePark
    Well, when you're unsquished, follow the link from Symantec I gave you, if you're feeling up to it, and if not I will see if I can't cook something together for you

    But I really wish I could actually see your computer, it would make this a million times easier, I should have my own spaceship or something
    1. Hmmmm... an oil-carrot soup?

    2. I know, I have also very much difficulties to help others by telephone or posts, it drives you crazy

    But thank you very much


    • With Tmani juice, yes

      And yes, it kinda does Since you need very detailed explanations of the screen and what have happened, no wonder people hate IT supporters

      Well, I think it is time for me to go now. Goodbye Mistery and Adventure

      And btw, if I get a car or something, I'll drive around Europe, visit Gamershooders and fix their computers That will be my job description, GH IT Supporter
      Intelligent Supporter, Unimportant Sir ThemePark, Advanced Intelligence Robot & Son

      We take care of all your robot needs.
      - If your harddrive crashes?

      Call Backup.
      Or see Upstairs.

      - If you need to get something copied?

      Go see Neko, the copycat.


      • Hey Mystery and Sir Theme How are you?
        Oh, I missed Adventure...
        Going on a trip around the universe on a convertible


        • Hi doglover Adventure will be back soon, as for myself I'm leaving, so you came just in time I'm doing pretty good, just squished
          Intelligent Supporter, Unimportant Sir ThemePark, Advanced Intelligence Robot & Son

          We take care of all your robot needs.
          - If your harddrive crashes?

          Call Backup.
          Or see Upstairs.

          - If you need to get something copied?

          Go see Neko, the copycat.


          • Lol, and you'lll get a longer title

            UnimPortant Sir ThemePark, IT Supporter And Advanced Intelligence Robot & Son - We take care of all your robot needs and the pc problems of GHP residents

            See you later, and take a loooong nap after returning the costume

            I'm also squished like my online son
            And you?


            • Originally posted by Mistery
              Lol, and you'lll get a longer title

              UnimPortant Sir ThemePark, IT Supporter And Advanced Intelligence Robot & Son - We take care of all your robot needs and the pc problems of GHP residents

              See you later, and take a loooong nap after returning the costume
              ROFL! Okay, I'll have to add this to my existing title, the one from Escape And trust me, I will, I need it
              Intelligent Supporter, Unimportant Sir ThemePark, Advanced Intelligence Robot & Son

              We take care of all your robot needs.
              - If your harddrive crashes?

              Call Backup.
              Or see Upstairs.

              - If you need to get something copied?

              Go see Neko, the copycat.


              • Okay, see you later online son


                • Bye Mystery's son, hope to see you again tomorrow

                  I'm fine thanks, I just did my math test, now, my next test is only in two weeks!!!! This is soooo good!!!
                  Going on a trip around the universe on a convertible


                  • How did the math test go, doglover? I have to hear about this before I leave

                    And Mistery, I left out the PC support part, my sig is getting way too long But I think I will add my ENTIRE title for my description! If it's even possible to have such a long description?
                    Intelligent Supporter, Unimportant Sir ThemePark, Advanced Intelligence Robot & Son

                    We take care of all your robot needs.
                    - If your harddrive crashes?

                    Call Backup.
                    Or see Upstairs.

                    - If you need to get something copied?

                    Go see Neko, the copycat.


                    • Originally posted by ThemePark
                      How did the math test go, doglover? I have to hear about this before I leave

                      And Mistery, I left out the PC support part, my sig is getting way too long But I think I will add my ENTIRE title for my description!
                      It was big and quite hard, and I left 2 questions...(I didn't know how to solve them because the teacher didn't explain me in our last class...pfffft....), but I think that the other problems are correct (at least a few of them...) so, maybe it's not that bad...
                      Going on a trip around the universe on a convertible


                      • I think Mistery needs to invent a shrinking ray or something Well, I hope it went well, when will you know the results?
                        Intelligent Supporter, Unimportant Sir ThemePark, Advanced Intelligence Robot & Son

                        We take care of all your robot needs.
                        - If your harddrive crashes?

                        Call Backup.
                        Or see Upstairs.

                        - If you need to get something copied?

                        Go see Neko, the copycat.


                        • Dear friends, I have to go aswell, see you all later
                          Have a wonderful time or sweet dreams


                          • Originally posted by ThemePark
                            I think Mistery needs to invent a shrinking ray or something Well, I hope it went well, when will you know the results?
                            I don't know...probably in one or two weeks...when the teacher corrects the tests, she'll give us the results...
                            Going on a trip around the universe on a convertible


                            • Good bye Sir Theme. Hope to see you soon.

                              Hey Doglover!!! Nope you didn't missed me.
                              Faily of Kzin



                              • Alright, well I hope for the best And sorry to leave you all alone, but I have to go as well.

                                Alright, perhaps not alone, Adventure is here
                                Intelligent Supporter, Unimportant Sir ThemePark, Advanced Intelligence Robot & Son

                                We take care of all your robot needs.
                                - If your harddrive crashes?

                                Call Backup.
                                Or see Upstairs.

                                - If you need to get something copied?

                                Go see Neko, the copycat.

