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3 things you can do with...

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  • 1. Dance with her
    2. Try to entertain her with you wit
    3. Kiss her

    a cup of ice
    Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be lived
    "The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up."


    • 1. Toss it down Darknight's back
      2. Use it for your whiskey and coke
      3. Wait for it to melt and have very cold water.



      • 1. put them on your disco cape
        2. use them on a 1920's dance dress
        3. use them on a billboard to blind people when they drive by.

        a GH Bar
        Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be lived
        "The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up."


        • 1. Have a VERY LONG dance-a-thon.
          2. Get drunk and sleep on the sticky floor, then wake up with bat sybols on your face.
          3. Enjoy everyone's company while drinking whatever you want.

          A Kleenex


          • 1) Use it to pick up a spider
            2) Use it to clean up your glasses
            3) Use it to make pencil cannon balls (please don't do that at home)

            A pass for 100 people at Walt Disney World
            I'd rather be an optimist who's a little bit crazy than a pessimist who's right.

            I have found eternal life. Embrace it.


            • 1) Sell the tickets
              2) Think of a way to get there
              3) Try and get all girls to go with you

              A wallet full of 300$

              Best Team In The NFL!!!
              Created Signature


              • 1 take
                2 invest it
                3 give back

                a turkey
                the only green fox
                hammer and crystal

                of the
                LOONEY BIN

                Wii came Wii conkerd
                1 year at Games-Hood

                the rat

                hi Cid
                the rat


                • 1) eat it
                  2) chop head of and watch in fascination
                  3) make it my pet


                  Best Team In The NFL!!!
                  Created Signature


                  • 1. Use it to take over the world!
                    2. Use it to fix my webpage problems!
                    3. Use it to make more space in/clean my basement!

                    a duck...
                    Seeking Where My Alien & Mysterious Sis Has gone???
                    Looney GHer!


                    • 1:put on a leaving your room
                      2:show it to phyduck
                      3:i dunno... tell it to quack


                      • Since Ace hasnt provided any choices, I'll go head.

                        A limo with jacuzzi.
                        I'd rather be an optimist who's a little bit crazy than a pessimist who's right.

                        I have found eternal life. Embrace it.


                        • 1. wonder how they fit a jacuzzi into a limo
                          2. get into it
                          3. stare melconlily while it drives by you

                          Birthday cake and ice cream

                          A Little Ferret Thief
                          OLGM Lilliput, OLM Escapegirl, OLD Darknight and OLB George
                          Member of GFARDTO and the Looney Bin
                          OHOHOH!! Check it out:
                          My city:
                          Pretty Please!!!!! Please, please, please!!! I'll even beg *gets on knees*


                          • 1) thrown it in the face of a politician
                            2) eat it
                            3) give it to a friend

                            A Delorean car to go back in time, yeah baby!!
                            I'd rather be an optimist who's a little bit crazy than a pessimist who's right.

                            I have found eternal life. Embrace it.


                            • 1) get angry at it because the engine wont start
                              2) go back in time and create a paradox by stopping yourself from being born
                              3) go to the future and see whether you become a bum or not

                              a fan


                              • 1. Turn it on you when you are hot
                                2. Blow dust of Darknight's desk since they don't have a cleaning crew.
                                3. Use it when you sleep to cover annoying neighbor's sounds.

                                a bar of soap

