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Chit Chat 6

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  • You're on youtube! AWESOME! Please link us.

    My friends and I were dancing at a weeks ago. Well, I really, honestly, don't have any musical talent. That includes dancing. Well, we were joking about it today, and talking about singing (as I was driving and a song I know all the words to came on the radio). He said, "Well, I'll have to believe you when you say you can't sing, cuz you said you couldn't dance, and I saw that myself." It was so funny. Just a group of us went out, and the others could dance. Me...not so much. Kinda looked like a broken stick fighting gravity. But it's fun, so I always go anyway.


    • hi


      • I'm in this one: duet at beginning, sitting at 1:40, lol
        Part 1 of Karaoke at magoo's in Oildale California leave a message on here if your in these vids :) post that its YOU!! heheh and show teh time to share wi...

        I'm in this one at 2:08 (they yell my "name" just before I sing)

        EDIT: Hi CHOC!
        Last edited by Justeazy; 06-12-2009, 08:17:00.
        It'll SHOCK you!
        Post anything and everything about Short Circuit HERE!


        • Chocbubbles!! Save the girls in the girls v boy thread! (After I see Justeazy's links I've gotta sleep. About to pass out right here. ) How are you, dear?


          @Justeazy...YAY!!! I saw you all three times! That looks like a fun place to hang out! And I honestly can't say if you sounded good or bad, cuz the background noises were so loud it kinda drowned you out. But I did hear someone say, "The chicks dig it" or something before you sang. And I heard them yell, "JUSTEAZY!" LOL Awesome! Thank you for sharing those vids. Great to see ya! And hear ya!


          • I gots more! lol, I just gotta find them, there's a lot to sort through,lol
            It'll SHOCK you!
            Post anything and everything about Short Circuit HERE!


            • hey Justeazy, how r u?
              and hey, ur not THAT bad at singing

              hey Escape, i'm helping!!

              ugh there was a fire at school today, right in the middle of lunch in a bathroom where my year's lockers are

              have a good sleep


              • @Justeazy....Feel free to link me with them when/if you find 'em! It's always cool seeing the people I chat with, or hearing them. Really looks like you guys had a good time, though!

                Time for bed. Night dear!

                @Choc....Aww... No one was hurt, though, right? We had a fire in the cafe attached to the library at my University this last semester, and we all had to evacuate 2 three story buildings (library and computer lab) and the cafe. Apparently it was just a small fire in the kitchen. We all stood in the misty rain while we waited to get the OKAY to return.

                Goodnight hon. Have a nice evening!

                @Funja....You disappeared. I hope you have a nice night, and get some rest.


                • no everyone was fine. they think it was someone smoking in the bathroom and then dropping the cigarette into the rubbish bin. i'm pretty sure who did it but i don't have any proof, so yeah..


                  • Awww, that's good to know.
                    I just hope that if you ARE right, they get caught... plus, smoking is a NASTY habbit!

                    Night escape, have a good sleep!
                    Last edited by Justeazy; 06-12-2009, 08:46:37.
                    It'll SHOCK you!
                    Post anything and everything about Short Circuit HERE!


                    • yeah i know it's disgusting >.<
                      my uncle died from lung cancer a little more than a week ago and he was a smoker...

                      have u found any more videos


                      • Ummm... maybe...
                        Lol, I'm paying too much attention to the BvG thread, lol
                        I'm gonna find them tomorrow, and post like all 5 or something, lol
                        It'll SHOCK you!
                        Post anything and everything about Short Circuit HERE!


                        • hehe ok
                          it looks really fun, i wish i had somewhere to go like that where i live


                          • Lol, I'll go find the rest tomorrow...

                            I'm tired after winning the BvG game... now I'm going to bed.
                            Night all!

                            CELEBRATION POST!
                            Yay,we won!
                            It was fun BvG battling with you, but we finally won!
                            It'll SHOCK you!
                            Post anything and everything about Short Circuit HERE!


                            • night


                              • I'm feeling like not being at work today. Anyone around?

