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Chit Chat 6

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  • Get used to the paint thing- this site is like watching it- where are you all- it takes hours to see responses


    • I'm about to do a paint job aswell Yvonne! I have the paint ready too!
      Can you guess my color?
      Happy endings are just unfinished stories...


      Elite member of the Looney Bin with ex wife "SimplyCrazy" and on-line kids "Wirodeu, Bread ...and Rannei"



      • Originally posted by Yvonne View Post
        Hubby is free too but he isn't feeling well at the moment. We did buy some paint today and I have no idea how the color will look until it is on the walls. In the bucket it looks like white but that is not the color we chose so we'll just have to wait.
        We also started to clear out the bedroom from everything that can be taken out and taped things that don't need to get painted. So this is still to be continued
        Tomorrow we should know, if Hubby feels well enough.
        I hope that Hubby feels better real soon and you get that room looking very romantically white

        Originally posted by alli View Post
        Get used to the paint thing- this site is like watching it- where are you all- it takes hours to see responses
        I like to watch paint dry, that means there is no more painting to do Some people have to work and have a life

        Originally posted by Hitman View Post
        I'm about to do a paint job aswell Yvonne! I have the paint ready too!
        Can you guess my color?
        Black and white, in alternating flashes, causing seizures through out the house

        Strange as Angels, Dancing in the Deepest Oceans


        • Originally posted by tipper75 View Post
          Black and white, in alternating flashes, causing seizures through out the house
          LOL You mention this EVERY time! My sig's there to distract the enemy before I hit them with my panda style!
          Happy endings are just unfinished stories...


          Elite member of the Looney Bin with ex wife "SimplyCrazy" and on-line kids "Wirodeu, Bread ...and Rannei"



          • I have seen pandas move, you'll need as much distraction as you can get Like set the enemy in a hypnotic trance

            Strange as Angels, Dancing in the Deepest Oceans


            • Originally posted by tipper75 View Post
              I have seen pandas move, you'll need as much distraction as you can get Like set the enemy in a hypnotic trance
              LOL Nice one! But if you think I'm an ordinary panda, you're mistaken my friend. When people see me, they say: It's a bird. It's a plane. No, it's Pandaman!
              Happy endings are just unfinished stories...


              Elite member of the Looney Bin with ex wife "SimplyCrazy" and on-line kids "Wirodeu, Bread ...and Rannei"



              • Still haven't started painting and I doubt if we will today because we have two Birthday parties to go to... Oh well, there is no rush
                Now let me think...what color will da PandaMan have?.....Was tipper75 right about the white and black... or maybe white/black/red??
                From now on, this is how it is going to be, just her and me


                • About Hitmans choise of colour

                  But, but but it's so will be a pink with small touches of silver to sooth his mind when he gets from all this tough missions to save the world

                  A student who changes the course of history is probably taking an exam.

                  As long as the answer is right, who cares if the question is wrong?


                  • Green for sure. Who doesn't like green.

                    ( @Kzin ....just teasing ;-))
                    Faily of Kzin



                    • But I love green....grin

                      A student who changes the course of history is probably taking an exam.

                      As long as the answer is right, who cares if the question is wrong?


                      • If green never existed, the grass would be orange


                        • Color doesn't exist it is just motion of material
                          Color is just a figment of your mind

                          Bored in French someone talk to me


                          • Hi funja
                            What do you mean with "Bored in French"??
                            Are you studying French now or try to study?
                            Bonjour..... اa va?
                            Je suis bien Je m'appelle Yvonne
                            From now on, this is how it is going to be, just her and me


                            • Comment allez vous, Yvonne. Et la couleur de votre chambre a dormir? Il est pret?

                              C'est dommage, la Funja est ennuyé.


                              • Salut Oscar,
                                Il va bien avec moi. Et toi??
                                Nous n'avons pas encore commencé à peindre que la couleur est encore inconnue.

                                I have no idea if what I wrote will make any sense after translating..
                                From now on, this is how it is going to be, just her and me

