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Chit Chat 6

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  • and it is morning again for me...drinking my

    @Escape....I hope you'll enjoy your evening out and that the movie isn't too bad...
    From now on, this is how it is going to be, just her and me


    • I feel as though I am Charlie Bucket at the beginning of the original Willy Wonka film, staring in the window of the candy shop, seeing all the other children enjoying seemingly free candy- knowing that I never wi-

      Wait a second. I just said "free" and "candy" consecutively. One right after the other even!

      What, am, I, doing, out, here???

      That's what I would've said anyway- y'know, if I were cool and hip n' stuff.
      Time is a mysterious thing. never eat it.


      • You kill me, Yorick!

        "Free candy." Will those words revive this thread a bit do you think?


        • *wakes up slowly from one of the bamboo trees* Mhmm, did I just hear "free candy"?
          Happy endings are just unfinished stories...


          Elite member of the Looney Bin with ex wife "SimplyCrazy" and on-line kids "Wirodeu, Bread ...and Rannei"



          • Woohoo! Free candy DOES wake up the thread!

            Hello my favorite Panda! How are you?


            • Originally posted by EscapeGirl View Post
              Woohoo! Free candy DOES wake up the thread!

              Hello my favorite Panda! How are you?
              Yes it does!
              I'm good my all-time favorite kitten! And how are you? Oh, and no smooch for the panda? Bad kitten!
              Happy endings are just unfinished stories...


              Elite member of the Looney Bin with ex wife "SimplyCrazy" and on-line kids "Wirodeu, Bread ...and Rannei"



              • You always get kisses. You're the ladies' panda, remember?

                I'm good. Anxiously awaiting my next vacation back home to see my mom for Christmas. I leave on December 14th! Whatcha been up to?


                • Free Candy?? Not free eucalyptus???
                  Oh well, I will settle for free candy then....

                  Oops...forgot a smooch for the Pandaman...
                  and a Hello for my dear BatCat....
                  From now on, this is how it is going to be, just her and me


                  • Originally posted by EscapeGirl View Post
                    You always get kisses. You're the ladies' panda, remember?

                    I'm good. Anxiously awaiting my next vacation back home to see my mom for Christmas. I leave on December 14th! Whatcha been up to?
                    Why thank you!
                    Glad to hear that! I hope Christmas comes earlier for you! Nothing in particular. Had a pre-test today before the exams on university. It had some touch questions I tell you.
                    Happy endings are just unfinished stories...


                    Elite member of the Looney Bin with ex wife "SimplyCrazy" and on-line kids "Wirodeu, Bread ...and Rannei"



                    • @Yvonne....Hello my dear Koala! Good to see you. *passes her some free candy* You can have mine, too. I'm not feeling too hot today. How are you?

                      @Hitman.... How do you think you did? And what field of study have you decided on? Oh, and please explain "touch" questions.


                      • Thanks for the candy my dear BatCat...
                        I am fine and it is already morning again here on my side of the world....gonna look for some fresh eucalyptus today because I need something else besides the sweet candy...
                        I was wondering about those "touch" questions aswell. We didn't had those when I was in school and I doubt that they are allowed....
                        From now on, this is how it is going to be, just her and me


                        • Originally posted by EscapeGirl View Post
                          @Hitman.... How do you think you did? And what field of study have you decided on? Oh, and please explain "touch" questions.
                          LOL I meant "tough". And to think this typo came from someone studying english language... I think I did okay. The test was about sentences, their elements and stuff etc. etc. please don't make me go through that again.
                          Happy endings are just unfinished stories...


                          Elite member of the Looney Bin with ex wife "SimplyCrazy" and on-line kids "Wirodeu, Bread ...and Rannei"



                          • Is there any free candy left?

                            I got so excited about the fact that it existed at all, I forgot entirely about getting any for myself.
                            Time is a mysterious thing. never eat it.


                            • @Hitman.....LOL. Okay. I won't ask anything else about it. And will you go to a University there, or abroad?

                              @Yorick....There's plenty of free candy left!


                              • Free candy???? What did I miss?

                                A student who changes the course of history is probably taking an exam.

                                As long as the answer is right, who cares if the question is wrong?

