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Chit Chat 6

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  • LOL - you just said, "good-night" to everyone.


    • Escape: yeah that would be odd but funny if that song played

      Oh I bet! hmm well I hope that she can understand and give you a response soon!

      Gamershooder: yeah but we were close lol must have Goodnight!! oh? uh no goodnight yet lol

      *~The Shining Star of GH~~*

      The riddlers gang: Vivi, Sumitra, Hunter, Bizarrochick, Monkey, Archaicdome, and Teeodd!
      June 15th is fundayja day! July 9th is Teeodd day! July 10th is Sumitra day! July 11th is Shining day! September 13th is Crazy day! September 18th is Robot day! October 13th is Party 4 Ever day! March 15th is Archaicdome day!

      *~a proud Mommy to be~*


      • @Shining....Hehe. I think of that song on nights like that.

        Thanks, me too! So, any plans for tomorrow?


        • hey everyone


          • Escape: not really sure yet Might get out of the house for a little bit but nothing big Do you have classes tomorrow?

            Hi Ya ChocBubbles! how are you tonight/morning?

            *~The Shining Star of GH~~*

            The riddlers gang: Vivi, Sumitra, Hunter, Bizarrochick, Monkey, Archaicdome, and Teeodd!
            June 15th is fundayja day! July 9th is Teeodd day! July 10th is Sumitra day! July 11th is Shining day! September 13th is Crazy day! September 18th is Robot day! October 13th is Party 4 Ever day! March 15th is Archaicdome day!

            *~a proud Mommy to be~*


            • Hi Choco! How are you, dear?

              @Shining.....Hey, that should be nice. My mom said she will have lots of rain tomorrow through Sunday. Don't know if you will. But getting out is fun. Even if it's nothing big.

              Nope. Just work and homework. Bah. I should go do homework really soon. Cuz I'm already tired...


              • hey Shining and Escape.

                i'm good just had some dinner

                hows are ya both?


                • Escape: (just checked weather) *sigh* looks like were getting lot oh rain here too

                  Yeah start it before your start falling asleep when trying to finish it

                  Chocbubbles: doing good really tired now tho(see below lol)

                  But I think I'm going to go to bed finally starting to get a tired So goodnight Everyone! Hope you guys have a good night or morning!

                  *~The Shining Star of GH~~*

                  The riddlers gang: Vivi, Sumitra, Hunter, Bizarrochick, Monkey, Archaicdome, and Teeodd!
                  June 15th is fundayja day! July 9th is Teeodd day! July 10th is Sumitra day! July 11th is Shining day! September 13th is Crazy day! September 18th is Robot day! October 13th is Party 4 Ever day! March 15th is Archaicdome day!

                  *~a proud Mommy to be~*


                  • @Choc.....Me good. Tired, though. I will need to log off soon. But I might just say that for the next hour. 6 more weeks of school left for ya?

                    @Shining....Good idea. Not that I've EVER fallen asleep doing homework before...

                    Goodnight dear star of the chat! Sweet dreams.


                    • good night da Shining have a good sleep, and ah dream about sheep sorry i rhyme all my goodbyes

                      @Escape - yup, and we have exams in 2 weeks time. we hve a holiday on Monday though


                      • @Choc....NICE!!!!!! Holiday is good. Exams are baaaaaad. But after exams, not much school left. Then you're off for summer break, right?


                        • yeah, i can't wait until the holidays. my b'day is 2 weeks afta Christmas me and my fam bam are travelling up North and my sis has friends that are coming up for 2 days to go to The Big Day Out which is a huge music festival

                          so wen r u going on holiday?


                          • what is going on in here?????????????


                            • hey Gamer

                              we're talking bout....stuff


                              • @Choco.....Wow!! That sounds like so much fun!!!! I bet you're gonna love your vacation. (I still can't imagine Christmas in summer. ) What kind of music?

                                My vacation will begin December 17th, as long as my professor approves it.

                                Well, dear. I'm beat. I should go work on a bit of homework, and get some sleep. Have a good night!! Sweet dreams for later.

                                @Gh1...Seems you're still awake, too. We're just chatting.

